Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Jesus Switched Teams...No He's not Gay Now

Lord, thank you for letting me defeate my black brothers, in your name, your glory. Thanks, Tim.
This is a pretty cool article. In case you haven't heard, Jesus has switched teams. No he's not gay now (just curious)...he's a Jet's fan. If you thought of New York only as a godless mecca (I do), think again skeptic. Team Jesus' basketball team is the Knicks because of super awesome Jeremy "You're representing all Asians whether you like it or not" Lin, and his favorite football team is (now) the NY Jet's. Yes, it's true, the savior, the 13th apostle, the paragon of the brand called Christian, Timmy "freekin" Tebow is now on the NY Jet's. So the logical conclusion is that Jesus now hates the Denver Broncos. Right.

Anyhoo...New York, the awesome melting pot it is, is a gumbo of religious athletes. Thanks NY Times...

Kareen Abdul Jabar is of Islamic faith. I'm no Black History buff or historian, but was it not in the 70's that the black community, in an attempt to be "black and proud", turn to Islam (the Nation of Islam), started changing their names (I think so). I hope in the upcoming decade the black community can have a similar renaissance and the pews of black Atheist and Black Skeptics clubs overflow-ith.

The "trick" to fighting someone bigger than you is "cut them down like a tree" and attack low.
Someone named Carl Evert questioned whether dinosaurs ever existed. The Greatest Reliever evah, Marino Rivera wants to be a preacher after his baseball life. Kurt "The Original Annoying Christian Athlete" Warner was a Giant for, like, a second (that counts, right). And don't forget that Ray Burris incident where he showed Christian love by demanding the no women reporters be allowed (to do their jobs) in the NY Mets locker room. Here's some logic (philosophy). I. Athletes are stupid. II Athletes believe in God. III. Therefore, God is stupid (1).

Super lame boxer Yuri Foreman slept IN Yankee stadium before the Cotto fight because of his cultures little Sabbath thingy.

You got 'em right where you want him, Yuri. Attack attack. NOW.
Wow, son of a preacher man Phil "Everyone in Sacramento hates you (but I don't)" Jackson is that non-religion that I used to practice, Buddhism.

For me, personally...this is the shit.
Don't forget Amar'e Stoudemire is...Jewish (?).

I'm not shitting you, Amare Stoudemire checkin' out the Dead Sea Scrolls. Yes, Those. Epic.

I'll end with this one. Jay Feeley, the freekin' kicker, so saith the mighty NYT, "the only kicker in history to talk conservative politics on Sean Hannity's Fox Show." That sentence doesn't look right to me. Fallacy's, sentence structure...anyone.

OK, no more fun...next post back to angry atheist shit. Promise.

(1) An exasperated, rolling my eyes, "Yes know it all skeptic. Yes, I know. Thank you, it was a joke."

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