Senin, 19 Maret 2012

Bowling Is An Indicator Species Of Sorts

OK, howzzz about a lighter topic today, no not that Eye-Ran nuclear power/missiles thingy...bowling. Sad as it is to say folks but there are only (aprox) 200 bowling alley-chruches left (which means there are freekin' bowling alleys inside da churches, preferably in the basement). This is another sign in the diminishing of what Richard "Papa Bear" Dawkins calls "The Root of All Evil": low attendance, lack of public faith, the growing of Team Atheist, churches closing and now this...only 200 church bowling alleys left.

This is Atheist 101 stuffs. Must see.
St. Ann Catholic Church is one of the last-ies. It also has a bar (yippie) and dining room and every Friday and Saturday nite the place is booked I tell ya', for those awesome older phat white Christian bowling party-wish I could go, sounds fun. I tell y'all, if St. Rosa Parish in Santa Rosa had a bowling alley...who knows...who knows. Someone named Neil Stremmel of the U.S. Bowling congress (yes, THAT Neil Stremmel and THAT epic U.S. Bowling Congress) is the one that came up with the number of 200 left.

Literally, a holy roller.
Author of the book "They Came To Bowl: How Milwaukee Became The Tenpin Capitol Of The World," Doug Schmidt, said at one time there was a mighty 13 church bowling alleys at one time. He said that when German immigrants came in the 1860's, not only did they bring huge beer guzzling blond women with huge breasts and sausages, but also the epic bowling alley church (1).

So, is it that as the older generation of believers straight up die, then likewise so goes their religion and bowling is just collateral damage, or did bowling create this era of dwindling unbelief. Parish administrator Pat Sundermann said, "Everyone wants to go down and look and smile and joke, but nobody wants to bowl."

Perhaps if church officials modernized their facilities and instead of having bowling alleys they had video games, movies, outdoor activities, equality for women and LGBT'rs, and scripture that made sense, then perhaps there would not be a void of youth in today's churches. It doesn't matter which came first, bowling and religion is not something that cool kids in 2012 wanna do (2)

(1) I made some of that up, but if you think about it, then yeah...

(2) I like bowling, just sayin'.

* Biology Indicator species (ie those super sensitive frogs).

* It saddens me that it took so long to write this, even tho is supposed to be da funnies. Le sigh.

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