Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Here's That Change You Asked For

Is this what I'am talking about when I say that religion needs to evolve. This is probably not new to young and hip Christians, but to this 43 y/o's, well, kinda refreshing. Even tho I'm still on the fence as whether to become a full fledged angry atheist, fo sho there is a part of me that's all, like, "WTF, let them practice what they want to." Ladies and germs...pastor Nadia Bolz Weber.

 Nadia, I can call you Nadia...right, is so awesome she founded House For All Sinners And Saints...and yes, I think she's cute. Hellloooooo.
She looks like the average customer that comes to my work. I feel like I've seen her "around."
 She and her congregation are part of something called the New Reformation and they are changing what church, and pastors for that matter, look like (for the better...the way better. sorry old fat balding white guys). I guess later I'll do some of that good ol' investigative, informative and thorough journo-blogging and find out what this New Reformation is...but not now.
 CNN Belief Blog, "Bolz-Weber is committed to the belief that the Bible still matters, that you shouldn’t have to leave parts of yourself behind when you show up at church and that the Lutheran tradition can be revolutionary. The House for All Sinners and Saints is social justice oriented, queer inclusive, incarnational, contemplative, irreverent and progressive. "
Looks Catholic-y in this one.
 I've been too busy looking at pictures to do any research on what it is exactly they teach and study at this particular hipster church. I recall reading the word "Lutheran"...whateveah that is right. I imagine that they are cool with teh gay and the sex-n-stuff. One article I read said there was a bluegrass hoe down a couple o' sermons ago. Sounds kinda cool.
 If the Jesus cult is to stay relevant in the upcoming decades, they need a revolution. As it is, the religion of everyone's parents is old and tired and doesn't make sense, ya your parents. And here I halfta add, Team Atheist, where is OUR iconic hipster spokesperson. Just sayin' it would help a lot...a lot.
She looks really 'jew-ie" in this one and you guys know how I likes me those hottie Jewish girls. Such great hair.
I think it's a good sign, this evolution of religion thingy and not because I'm down for joining one of these parishes. Far from that Team. I actually think that because this transformation is happening...then they must be backpedalling, they must be on their back foot, loosing ground and that we, Team Atheist, must be doing something right. Right.

* House For All Sinners/Saints

* Her blog Sarcastic Lutheran (hottie)

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