Minggu, 18 September 2011

Christian Doublespeak Christian Double Do

I wrote about this the other day, but it is so crazy pants and so WTF, it needs more attention.  During the other other Republican debate, the man who is threatening to become the next president of the United States from the execution capital of the world, that is you Texas, Gov. Rick Perry went all contradiction-y and claimed to be pro life and pro death penalty at the same time. Since I wrote that first post, I have discovered some minds and opinions that are better and greater than my own (yes kind gentle and very good looking readers, that is possible).
N.T. Wright, Anglican Bishop, "You can't reconcile being pro life on abortion and pro death penalty." The piece is appropriately called American Christians and the Death Penalty.

With confusing use of terminology "it seems unlikely that Perry will face much of a challenge on the question of the consistency of his stance on these positions," Robert P. Jones. And that is a total shame. Really, I totally believe that Perry needs to be called out on this. Do we want a president that represents us to the world that makes contradicting statements. I mean, c'mon now, we already had GW. Sheez.

Susan Brooks Thistlewaite's Who Would Jesus Execute starts off with the powerful line "If you support a pro death by execution position, you're barely a Christian." True that homie, that is what The New Atheists have been saying. So Gawd loves you, but if you don't worship his son, then he'll kill you. All Gods creatures are created equal, except women, GLBT, other religions and animals. Ugh, doublespeak double do much (sure seems like it).

I'm sure I mentioned the man, John Shelby Spong, in the other post but he is so awesome I have to mention him again. Dude says in The Contradictions of Religious People "I do not understand why people are surprised by contradictions in the lives and rhetoric of religious people...If the religious voices of the Protestant right and the Vatican were silenced, opposition to the basic rights and justice for homosexuals would be almost nonexistent. It is religious zealots in the pro life movement, who murder doctors at family planning clinics. I have had 16 death treats in my life, none came from atheists or Buddhists. They came from "bible quoting, true believing" Christians."

Wow they death threat-ed a Bishop. Gee, scum bag much...so frackin' bad. I want to say that it is anti-Christian behavior, but it is really right along the lines of what they do.

Perry said, "I think (most) Americans understand justice," the other nite when he received applause for bragging about all the executions that have happened under his watch. I have to agree, but what is this justice that he is talking about. It is God's justice. It is biblical justice. It is god's way, or our way (or it is the way to the execution chamber-esp. if you are a minority). I agree that most Americans agree on this, after all we are a "Christian Nation" in a landscape populated mostly by Christians, but that doesn't make it correct or right. Back in the day most people thought slavery was OK and that black people, or those sick men of Asia, were not equal to their Caucasian counterparts. Back in the day most people thought that women did not have the same intellectual capacity as men folk. Just because most people believe something, that doesn't make that something correct or the right thing to do or believe.
(It's a long one today-"That's what she said. Aaaaaa, Sexist much, Kriss-bare with me it's almost over)

The media needs to get on this shit. A week or so back the trend story in the atheist blogosphere and a few cool mainstream newspapers was should the media intensely question the candidates religious beliefs. Fo sho yes to that, esp. when candidates like Perry are saying the stupid and making contradicting statements and esp. when peoples lives are at stake. Media, I command you to get on this shit.

Lastly, you never hear people say "Dam, I wish those atheist would stop with their Darwinian wars and stop invading countries and shoving evolution down their throats," "Dam, didja hear about that atheist that went on that shooting spree killing hella people because s/he wants others to not believe in a God and believe in evolution thru natural selection," "Dam, those atheist are always contradicting themselves why don't they make up their minds about rights for everyone, the sanctity of life-n-shit and stop their atheist doublespeak and double do."

Like I said the other day, only religion can be equated to statements like that.

Washington Post. Good hub page of opinions in this topic.

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