Rabu, 28 September 2011

The Freedom To Tweet, Or Not

 America, I heart  you. More precisely, I heart the freedom and liberty that all Americans enjoy. Sure this country is not perfect, but it is better than, let's say, living in hot ass Kuwait or Saudi Arabia.

Recently a judge in Kuwait sentenced a Sunni activist to three months in jail for...blasphemy. OK, this is where I say, WTF. The judge determined that the Sunni activist said thingies deemed derogatory to Shiite Muslims...in a series of tweets. In the whole wide world there is a blasphemy trend, err, an anti blasphemy trend. There is that stupid UN resolution, which is really stupid and our very own president supports it (c'mon blood, sheez).
Freedom of speech is becoming less and less free in many parts of the world. If I had a nickel for everytime I have heard of a blogger being jailed for simply stating their views, whether right or wrong, I'd have at least $2.25 (I'm trying to say that it is common). If I didn't live here in the awesome states, perhaps I would be in jail.
Let's see off the top of my head, I totally blog about religion all the time and I criticize the government. On the Twitter and the Facebook, I have said that "I feel like killing people." So I have feelings and opinions and I express them. Revolution is in the air and the Arab Spring, I hope, will bring freedoms to the Middle East. Recently, in Saudi Arabia women were granted the right to vote (but not until a year or so from now), but they cannot drive a frackin' car. A woman was recently sentenced to 10 lashes because she...drove.

I haven't asked in a while, "Is everything getting better or worse, or both simultaneously?" Jail for tweeting and lashes for driving. This time I'll say worse.

Thanks American...for being you.

* Voting, driving and lashing, not ness. in that order.

* Tweet, go to jail.

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