Sabtu, 10 September 2011

Dominionism, Al Jazeera and Lamestream Media

So there was all the whoopla over Bloomberg's correct decision to not have clergy preach in the 9/11 ceremonies, there was all that backlash over that New Yorker piece and backlash in general over the media thinking about questioning the GOP candidates about their religion(s). WTF. The lamestream American media may be afraid, or whatever, to touch the porcelain topic of religion, but not Al Jazeera. While American lamestream media is going all conglomerate-y putting resources into a smaller and smaller amount of hands, while news bureaus for all major news outlets are closing all over the world, Al Jazeera is expanding and have corespondents in more countries than any other news outlet (and if you watch the news online...their reporters are totally hot. Any who...).

Exposing Religious Fundamentalism In The Us, as I often like to say, kills it. Sort of pathetic that Al Jazeera says what mainstream American lamestream media has been hesitant to say, or even address except for, like, the three articles that I know of (1, 2, 3). Once again the topic is dominionism. I'm going to say it over and over until this next election is finished. Dominionism. Dominionism. One more time with feeling...Doninionism.

Al Jazeera is so tight they quote the man himself Pat "Gays cause erff-quakes" Roberson....

"What do all of us do? We get ready to take dominion! We get ready to take dominion! It is all going to be ours - I'm talking about all of it. Everything that you would say is a good part of the secular world. Every means of communication, the news, the television, the radio, the cinema, the arts, the government, the finance - it's going to be ours! God's going to give it to His people. We should prepare to reign and rule with Jesus Christ (Al Jazeera)."

What the Pat-Man was talking about was, da da daaaa...dominionism. Ask doninionist if they exist and they will say it doesn't exist and that it is just a liberal left wing conspiracy (and yet they do have entire colleges, TV and radio stations, G.W. Bush filled his cabinet  with 'them', Bahcamnn and Perry and Ron Paul have associations with NAR and dominionism, WTF). But go to the horse's mouth and then it's a different story.

I cannot do the article justice. Y'all have to read it. It is so good, it's scary...and that is not a good thing.

* Al Jazeera article.

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