Selasa, 27 September 2011

Dead Sea Scrolls, Mushrooms and Me

I wonder if the 60's culture had an influence.
Team Atheist Nerd Goober, I heart you, I really do. Some people wonder why an atheist would think so much about God, or why an atheist would be so into the bible. I just think it makes us totally awesome...and way smarter than the average lay believer. I also think that the best way to debunk Christianity is with Christianity. The billiard king, John, does it at Debunking Christianity, so does Price, Avalos and of course I have to mention, Bart "frackin'" Erhmann.

Recently that thing called Google (ever hear of it?) has digitized the Dead Sea Scrolls and has made them available for public viewing (I think four or five parts of it, not the whole thing). That is something that Team Atheist Goober can really sink their/our teeth into. You can view the actual scrolls and there is a 'translator' just in case you do not read ancient Aramaic (I think that is the language). All right, fuck that shit, that is not what I wanted to talk about, but deff. check it out.
The translation is " 2011 an atheist blogger with brown skin and long waist length hair..." and that is all.
Soooo, not that many people can decipher the DSS. Back in the day there was a team of biblical scholars that had the task of unrolling it without fuckin' it up and translating it. Of the team, only one was non Catholic. His name is John Allegro. This is so good, I'm going to get right down to it. His translation said that there is no such thing as a dude named Jesus and that Jesus is just a metaphor, sit down for this one,...for a mushroom sex cult. Yea, baby. He was on the cover of Time Magazine in I believe 1969 (I was one at that time). I just read the Davinci Code and in that book, which is fiction, early Christianity was a fertility cult, complete with doing it with the ladies...because they are all powerful Goddesses-n-stuff.

krissthesexyatheist is the shit.
 There are others experts that have similar conclusions. Acharya S. believes that early Christianity is all made up-n-stuff and that they stole it from earlier Gods, like Horus the Egyptian Sun God. Robert Price is a Jesus Mythicist, Tim Callahan does really good scholarly work and again, Erhmann. So the idea that early Christianity is not, err, Christian-y is not totally isolated. But then why doesn't the "truth" come out. If Christianity is a mushroom cult, which would be really baddass, then why doesn't the truth come out. I'll tell you why, kind gentle and very good looking readers.

Kriss thinks that Mary Magdalene is hot.
In the book, The End of Biblical Studies, Dr. Avalos pretty much says that the truth doesn't come out because then biblical scholars, and the entire religious establishment, would not have jobs (and that is me paraphrasing). So if the other biblical scholars, who were all Catholic, came to the same conclusion and admitted that JC was all about the magic mushrooms and kickin' with the ladies, then two thousand years of their work would go down the drain. All that stuff about sin, sex and the female body would be thrown out the door. Celibacy, fuck that. Funny thing, that is also a theme in the Davinci Code (if word got out that Christianity was a fertility goddess cult, then the male dominated dominators would have to find new jobs). Needless to say, when Allegro came out with his book, he was lambasted (I've never used that word b4).

Ya know, even if Allegro's interpretation is not the truth it still throws a wrench into the machinery of the Jesus cult. The bible is supposedly the infallible word of God. If that is the case, then why are there so many interpretations: he's all powerful, the word is infallible...or not. If the bible is the word of God, then which one? How come there are bibles before the bible, like the DSS, and bibles after that. How come Constantine had to compile the first bible (325ad), and why were there many books left out. That doesn't sound like the work of an all powerful God and it certainly doesn't sound like the truth.

Still, for the atheist goober like me, you and us, checking out the Dead Sea Scrolls is made of awesome...even if it isn't all about partying like you are at a Dead show with those goddess like pretty ladies (Helllloooo). Enjoy fellow teammates....

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