Minggu, 25 September 2011

Spring in Palestine

Outta habit I when I write about Israel and Palestine I always write it like this "Israel/Palestine". They are connected. When you talk about one, you halfta talk about the other one-even when you write it. Palestinian President Abbas just returned from the historic and epic New York/United Nations trip to 1,000's of supporters, supporters for a Palestinian state. This stuffs is the definition of super heavy and 'lil 'ol me cannot do it justice...but I will say a little something something.

 This is the example someone gave to me the other day. This someone is not, how should I say it, astute and eloquent in understanding and talking about politics (and I'm certainly not an expert, but I know more than dude). Dude said of Israel/Palestine that it is as if a neighbor moved next door and every year he takes more and more of your backyard. Sort of simple, but yea, I can go for that.

Palestinians have been waiting, negotiating and fighting for a Palestinian state for 60 years (and they certainly are not gonna get it anytime soon), and that is why this recent trip is so important. They are the neighbor that was there first. Their backyard is getting smaller and smaller. Why?

The Israelis (Jews) believe that Palestine's backyard really belongs to them and that they were there first. Why, because of their particular bronze age book says that their particular bronze age God, Abraham, said so. So, like, 60-ish years ago they decided to move back. The thing about that is, now there are people living there and they have been living there for a hella long time-Palestinians.
Que the Christian Zionists. For the longest time I didn't understand why American Christians would be interested in the establishing of a Jewish Homeland. The short of it is that in order for the American Christian end of times scenario to happen, that is JC coming back, the Jews need to have an established homeland. This is because in the American Christian bronze age book, the bible, their God says for the prophecy to become true, these things need to happen. That is why American pours hella money into Israel and is going all apartheid-y on the brown Palestine people.

This is all because of predictions in super old books that were written totally a long time ago. Not only are there people that still believe this, they are people in very powerful positions in this country. The dominionist, the American Execptionalist, they are on the side of Israel; but not because they care about the Jewish people, no the opposite in fact. Part of the super stupid prophecy is that for the American God to win over evil, the world gets destroyed and it gets destroyed after and because of the established Jewish homeland (keep in mind I'm going super general on all this). Who is a dominionist, people in politics, including three that are running for president.

Like I said, I dunno too much about it. It seems that the two state solution is THE solution (no one is gonna move out), tho. The Palestinian Spring has started, but will it grow to be bountiful. Will freedom and liberty, and that democracy that peeps keep talking about, blossom in the Palestinian Spring? I guess we will see.

Good luck brown homies (I'm brown also).

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