Selasa, 13 September 2011

Sexism Is Made Of Stupid

A couple of weeks ago we had the stupid in the form of a tee-shirt for the young ladies that said "I'm too pretty to do homework..." and this week the stupid gets even more sexist (as if) with another tee-shirt. "Allergic to algebra" is aimed at...err, it was meant for, mmmm, shit, it is just plane stupid no matter what it is for.

In the SF Chron article one peep says something to the extent that it's not even about feminism, it's about being respected by male peers and not giving them a reason to think you are inferior. Well said. There is a petition, which I guess is the new thing-there is always an 'and' and now there is always a petition-here to tell Forever 21 (which is stupid in itself-beauty is only for the young, please) that they are sexist stupid heads and to not sell this shirt or the philosophy that goes with it.

Math is frackin' hard. Aprox ten years ago when I had to take algebra I, II and then Statistics, at age 33-ish, I worked so hard everyday and got C's, but I did it. Can women do math...I don't see why not except that perhaps at an early age they were told that they could not, that is for the boys, so ya better get in the kitchen and learn how to make sandwiches. WTF. No wonder there are not that many female scientists and mathematicians.
My mom hates me and wants me to be enslaved to someone that will pay my way.
* Sf Chron Algebra

* Too pretty

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