Jumat, 16 September 2011

News Roundup On Follow Atheist Friday

Why is it that when Team Atheist is in the news...it is always a bad negative thing. Oh well, any publicity is good publicity, right(?). Any who, Elevatorgate was the feature article in my favorite religion news aggregator, Religion News Service. The awesome sauce thingy about elevatrogate is that as a community, Team Atheist did address sexism and we are game to combat it within our own ranks. We need the ladies so much in the sciences, in the atheist blogosphere and in skepticism movements. BTW, RNS has a pretty fair amount of ladies writers reporting the news, so bully for them. Check it out.

Yesterday I wrote about how Islamophobia is being taught to the F.B.I., the armed forces and law enforcement. Today the F.B.I. has announced that it is dropping those programs (should never have happened in the first place). Check out yesterdays posts there are good links to Mother Jones and Slate. For those keeping track of the Christians that want to take over the world, known as dominionist, there is lot's of info for your score cards.

So, it is totally bad for authorities to teach Islamophobia and it is also super bad and wrong for uneducated and super stupid citizens to go old school and try their hand at vigilante violence. 9/11 is also the anniversary of stupid heads that attacked a peaceful Sikh dude because they thought he was...Muslim. So frackin' stupid, but I geuss that is what bigotry is-stupid. It is like when a loser calls me a 'chink' or a 'Jap' when I'm 100% brown hunky Filipino. At least get it right.
In the City by the Bay, the city that brought us OJ Simpson and your truly, 2,000 dirty stinky unimmunized kids were sent home from school because they did not receive the whooping cough vaccine. Gee I wonder if the deadbeat parents subscribe to the Jenny "I've killed many kids" McCarthey's philosophy of vaccines are bad bad bad, or are they not versed in the understanding of science, medicine (hello, herd mentality), or is it...all of the above. Regardless, keep your dirty stinky not-immunized kids away from me. I don't want to die of a disease that is easily preventable. Really.

Keeping with the pseudoscience-y stuffs...Dr. Oz, the multimillionaire that thrives off of selling bogus products with no medicinal value to people that really need help, has been called out for yelling "fire in a crowded theatre." Oz said that apple juice has too much arsenic in it and is hazardous to children. Basically the test he used was for something else (wastewater) therefore the results are no good, arsenic occurs naturally in lot's o' things, like, water, and I don't know this fo sho, but dude is probably selling the cure to apple juice arsenic (phobia) poisoning. Dude, scam much. Sheez.

I don't have too much info on this one, but my skeptic meter is going off. Authorities report that a young boy has emerged from the woods in Germany...speaking English. I don't know if this is a case of mysteriously speaking a foreign  language (skeptics dictionary) or an Ishi thing. I just know it sounds fishy and is a job for Team Skeptic.

Lastly, Christians at Vanderbilt U infiltrated a frat party with hidden microphones demanding that they repent.

That is all folks.

Really, honestly, I'm not attracted to stupidity. I don't care what the 'packaging' is. Awesome, sweetheart, atheist, skeptic lady, that is totally smart-n-stuffs...I'm still waiting and still available (and I don't care what the 'packaging' looks like. I way better than that. Hope to c'ya soon...whoever you are, Kriss.

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