Minggu, 11 September 2011

Many Ways To Win

There are many ways to win a war besides the obvious. There is a mental battle going on also, a battle of spirit. If two ultimate fighters are going at it in the ring, both dudes get beat up and do some beating, one wins on points, thus winning the match, but he also dies at the hospital later; a loser to attrition. Win the match but you lose your life...who is the winner then.

I just read the CNN article Heavy Security...and thought, "Are they winning?" Sure Seal Team 6 just executed dude and news reports, seemingly, update the public weekly on the next in command and the next in command getting whomped on. But are things getting better or are they getting worse (haven't done this one in a while)? Supposedly, we are scaling back on the occupation thingy (good), but are we really going to leave (bad). When I read articles like this...I think for the worse.

"A heavy security presence permeated lower Manhattan on Sunday, the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, as authorities continued their search for possible plotters of another terrorist strike.
Information considered credible but unconfirmed indicated up to three attackers could be trying to use an explosives-laden vehicle for an attack in New York or Washington, according to various sources. Authorities stressed that while they were taking information of a possible attack plot seriously, there was no evidence so far that an actual terrorist operation was underway.
"Again, it's not confirmed yet, but we're not relaxing at all."
 federal security agents -- some wearing body armor -- deployed in the area.
Roads were blocked and police checkpoints for both vehicles and pedestrians surrounded the memorial, with backpacks checked by bomb-sniffing dogs and put through x-ray machines.
Two of the three individuals believed to be involved in the potential plot on the 9/11 anniversary are Americans of Arab descent who traveled to the United States last week, 
However, another law enforcement official said there is no evidence so far that any of the three individuals came to the United States or are here now.
No other corroborating evidence of an attack has been uncovered, 
Three stolen trucks were added to a New York Police Department database because of the threat, said Deputy Police Commissione
Two of the trucks were owned by a construction company that operates at the World Trade Center site. They were reported stolen over a week ago and had about $70,000 worth of tools on them, Kelly noted.
A Transportation Security Administration statement said the security steps were taken "out of an abundance of caution."
Police also were sweeping parking garages for explosives and using digital license plate readers to check for stolen vehicles, officials said (CNN)."

Paranoid much. Sure we have been safe since the attacks (and I totally appreciate that)...but at what price. The simultaneous wars on foreign soil has depleted money that could have gone to other endeavors, the country is polarized and, seemingly, growing further and further apart. The war on terror is so far reaching that it can be associated with many issues, everything from gun control to immigration. Are we living in fear or is fear a fabrication of the media, or is it a little bit of both. Regardless, there is palatable tension in the air.

The only thing we can do, both individually and collectively, is have hope. The terrorist, the government and the media...they can't take away hope. 

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