Rabu, 07 September 2011

Fallacies Of Conservative Thinking

The conservative faction of this country calls it the lamestream media or the super funny, Jewish owned liberal propaganda machine. I call it awesome sauce, because that is what it is. Is it that NPR has always been this awesome, or am I just now paying attention to it-regardless...awesome sauce.

When lying in bed this morning, I do believe that I heard three news stories that were science-y. Bravo for NPR. That is what the cool kids call killin' it. One article in particular was extra extra good. GOP and Science Skeptics (I paraphrased the title) emphasizes how important knowledge of science will be in the upcoming election, esp on the GOP side.

Recap action...Presidential candidates Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann have said the stupid several times in recent weeks. Perry said global warming has gaps in it, evolution is just a theory, creationism is and should be taught in public schools. Bachmann, or as I heart to call her, Crazy Eyes, well pretty much everything she says is crazy, but the comment about the recent East Coast earthquake and hurricane being caused by God, well, that is just plain crazy. The NPR article correctly states "Bachmann believes something other than physical and biological processes drives events on planet earth. Perry does too."

So we have a choice as voters and as good American peeps. Do we want a GOP candidate that subscribes to that dominionism thingy that everyone keeps talking about. Do we want a president that believes in Armageddon, believes that a 1/3 man, 1/3 god and 1/3 ghost will return to the erffs and literally float into the air with a select few homies. That is just some of their beliefs, what about their thinking, err, their fallacious thinking.

Crazy Eyes made the statement about God causing the natural disasters last week and that it should be a wake up call to worship him and vote for her. But has she said any such statements about Perry's Texas that is currently totally on...fire. Is God punnishing Texas, because Texas is very devout. They brag about having the most churches per capita, and yet they have the highest crime rates, prison population and the state is on fire, litterally on fire. Is God punishing them. I haven't said it in a while but...cherry pickin'.

What about Perry's brilliant thinking. He said that evolution and global warming are theories, not yet proven and that they have holes or gaps in them. OK(?). Well what about genesis. Genesis is not even a theory, it's folklore. The entire thing is a hole. Evolution whomps all over it. Perry said that more and more scientists are questioning global warming. Really, who are these scientist, name them-really. While I can admit that there are fringe scientists that when splitting hairs about the causes of climate change, to say that there is a growing number or even a majority...well, that is a straight up lie.

Science education is going the way of sports and the arts in public schools and that is not a good thing. If American is to remain a force in the global ecomony and the world stage we need to teach real science in public schools, not incorrect biblical science. Japan, India and China are kicking or arses when it comes to science education. If religion is the most important topic for the world in the next decade, then science is a very close second.

Lastly, do we want a president with powers to go to war, invade other countries and the bomb that is not literate in real science and that has a biblical mission, dictated by an all powerful God that does not exist,  to rule the infidels and rule the world. I know I do not.


* Sorry about the typo's and bad spelling and stuffs. I'm computer-less and I don't know how to use an Apple. I don't even know how to save a photo. Awesome anyways.

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