Minggu, 11 September 2011


Read in your best imitation of the President voice, "Gee, everyone, where are the evangelicals."
I think that to put the word "gate" at the end of a word for journalists, is like the words "tour de force" for someone that reviews movies for a living, in that you probably don't want to use it all the time, but...if the shoe fits.

This is so awesome...Sikhs, Hindus and Muslims all got the invite to the 9/11 thingy but evangelicals/southern baptists got the shaft; and they are butt hurt about it (and I am that German word that I don't know how to spell or say). It must be Gawds way of punishing them for hating on the GLBT community, feminists and science in general (or not). Or it could be a very human and reasonable response, based here on erffs mind you, to all the hatey hate that they spew (can I sway 'spew' here) as well as all their other nonsense (controlling women, anti science, rewrite history etc...)

So I'll go out on a limb and I'll say that all the cool liberal religions that do not take their holy books literally (ie age of the erffs is 6-10 thousand for Christians called young Erffs Creationists), the ones that do not subscribe to world domination and the ones that are so comfortable in and with their beliefs that they could actually be able to go to an event like this and not make it all about them. Sheez, why didn't anyone invite evangelicals to this. Is it...

...they are adamant about their Jesus coming back and being the only road to salvation . The only way.
...they are not tolerant of other monotheistic Gods. One true God. One...and it's theirs, not yours.
...even in 2011, with the Michele Bachmann's and Palin's...women must still submit to the men folk. "That's just the wayyyyyy."
...their holy book is called bronze age by the New Atheist in a derogatory way because, it was plagiarized, interpolated, copied and miscopied over and over again, by anonymous  authors in the 100's of 1,000's, at a time when (perhaps) 90% of the population was illiterate, most people believed in miracles, there was no scientific method, or germ theory, the people didn't know what caused weather, they thought 'sacrifices' could make rain, or a girl prego...and that is just off the top of my head.

American has a world wide identity problem...the world identifies us as ass hole-e-'o's'. The world see's Team USA as fat, loud and super Christian religious to the extreme, and if you don't believe us, we will shoot you because, of course, we have guns-we're American after all.

To me it looks like Mikey Bloomberg made the correct decision on such an important day.

* Good Faith and Reason today. It's not my favorite.

* How American Evangelicals Are Killing Gays In Africa

The title of the article that goes w/this photo is  "How American Evangelicals Are Killing Gay People In Africa.

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