Rabu, 28 September 2011

God The Baby Killer In Oregon

This is the update that I do not want to do..but that is what atheist blogging is all about. It seems that I have mentioned the Hickmans way to many times. I have mentioned Followers of Christ Church in Oregon many times, too many times.

This is the mom that pretty much killed her baby. I do not feel sorry for her.
Basically the super horrible story is that Baby Killer Mom had the baby at home, the baby was like a million months premature, and 45 minutes after birth, the innocent baby died.

The thingy about the Hickmans is that they do not believe in going to the doctor or the hospital, what do they do...they pray. They fuckin' pray. Needless to say...the innocent baby died. So WTF.

It has been two years since the innocent baby died at the hands of negligent parents and the defense just rested their case. The Hickman's have been asked several times, "would you do anything different." They replied, "No."

"Why didn't you call 9-1-1?"

"I was praying," Negligent Dad.

The negligent mother baby killer said that she would have to get permission from her husband in order for her to call 9-1-1.

"I can say what I feel, but ultimately, he decides. It's kind of a fine line because I don't want to disobey him or anger him," she said. "If I gave him my opinion, and he told me to shut up and I didn't, then my marriage could be in jeopardy," Shannon Hickman said. "I have to submit my husband." 

So WTF. I wish that there was a God so I can be pissed at him. I totally want me a half white and half Filipino innocent atheist baby (and my super hottie skeptic-atheist-feminist sugar mama) that I would love so much. If there is a God, then dude is totally irrational and unfair. He gave an innocent baby to parents that could have helped him/her survive, but instead he gave the baby to baby killer parents. There is absolutely nothing that can be said that would absolve God from this crap-o-la tragedy.

He works in mysterious ways (bullshit). We cannot understand the mind of God (bullshit). He is testing us (why the fuck does an all powerful God need to test people). Who killed more people in the bible the devil or God. The devil killed nine people in the bible and God killed 100's of 1,000's. God has killed entire cities, towns, civilizations. If that is Gods love...I certainly don't want it.

It is 2011 fer Christ's sake. The doctors said that if the innocent baby was taken to the hospital there was a 99.99% chance of survival (emphasis on was). I'm pissed and saddened. I can't wait for sentencing, I hope they get the death penalty (I know they won't, I'm just pissed).

I'll keep a look out for the results. Until then, fuck you God.

* Article

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