Rabu, 14 September 2011

Bro-Dudes Last Stand

The last time I viewed an Intelligence Squared Debate was, like, over a year ago and AC "The Hair" Grayling and Richard "Papa Bear" Dawkins whomped all over a team of believers (I forgot what the specific topic was. Any who...). Slate magazine, on Sept 20, will sponsor an Intelligence Squared Debate and this time the topic will be "Are men finished." Y'all know that I heart heart heart the Maureen "Heyyyy, awesome lady" Dowd book "Are Men Necessary,"and it seems that this debate will continue the not oft talked about topic...the demise of men.

First of all, I'm a dude and fo sho I believe that I'am necessary, and for a variety of reasons. And ya know what, it is not necessarily about being 'necessary', it is about the changing role of the bro-dude. Thank goodness the ladies have come a long way, but in that time the bro-dudes, the men folk, have not. I'm not talking about how men used to get 9-10 jobs or 10-10 jobs back in the day and now they are getting 7-10 or 8-10 jobs...It is about the evolving role of men and men evolving as complete human beings.

One of the factors journalist and debater, Hanna Rosin, shows the reader is... da da daaa, the sitcom. Really. I don't have a TV or watch it, but apparently the new crop of fall shows fall into two categories, 1) the dysfunctional, lame, not evolved, bro-dude that is unemployed, or the 2) hard working late 20 something female that is making it in the world, working ten jobs, having a social life and being strong and feminine at the same time (helllloooo). To say that that this is a reflection of the reality of modern society is....true.

Lions, tigers and bears oh my...Is that a Jesus fish in the background, or pareidolia.
For the first time in history the women folk are more than 50% of the work force. There is some statistic out there that, once again, those awesome hard working ladies are getting college degrees at a rate of two to one compared to the men. Men make up most of the prison population and women hold families together. Women are more geared to the modern way and global economy with their superior communication skills and altruism, while men compete for factory, industry and hard labor jobs that are drying up and associated with the old economy. Just in the past 40-50 years women have evolved and shaped society, while men have been stiff and ridged and clamour of the 1950's lifestyle that may or may not have ever existed (or not evolved): complete with sexism, machismo and housewife made sandwiches.

In Oh Maureen...O, Maureen's book AMN she jokes around about artificial insemination and how in the very near future, perhaps, women will not even need men. I'll tell you this bro-dudes, we have to do more and better. The rough tough macho father husband of out fathers generation (I'm 42 mind you) is a throwback to shittier times. The world is a different place and a better place now. So we have to make our own sandwiches and do actual communicating with our g-friends (where back in the old days that was nonexistent) and show emotions and be, get this...humans, complete humans. So what. It is either that, which I think is very cool-ya know that evolving thing-or we become...not necessary.

I choose to evolve.

* The Last Days Of The American Male. Interview with Hanna "Hello, awesome lady, I'm Kriss" Rosin.

* Atlantic Monthly article by Hanna...oh, I can call you by your first name, right. Oh c'mon now, baby. Any who...very good article about the demise of the male species.

* Google Book Search and Maureen's Are Men Necessary. Maureen, it's me Kriss, I know that I've said this before, but I haven't said it in a while, "Statuesque, super witty and smart journalist, East Coast laaaaadddddyyyyy...you bet I'm necessary."

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