Kamis, 01 September 2011

The Words Are Too Big and What Is NAR Anyways...

Don't diss the 80's. that was my 60's.
Look, I'm just an average baddass dude with really get hair and a stud body-I'm not superman. So when I'm in over my head, I admit it. I was just trying to read an article over at the super awesome Religion Dispatches called Beyond Alarmism and Denial in the Dominionism Debate, but the words are too big for me. So I had to do some lookie lookie. Here's what I found.

I've talked about dominionism before. Basically it is the followers of the Prince of Peace and the specific type of Protestant denomination (outta a million diff ones) and how they must rule over the erffs, the peeps and everything else-because Gwad said so. Any who, while I was reading the article the acronym NAR kept coming up. So WTF.

RICK PERRY THE RESPONSE (in all captials).
Some how, I'm very foggy on it still, dominionism and the New Apostolic Reformation are both mutually exclusive and independent at the same time. You can be one with out the other, or not. Anyways...It is a movement of Protestants associated with Pentecostal and Charismatic movements. They believe in a direct relationship with Gawd, thru Jesus and and believe in revelation, prophecy and miracles like healing. Presidential candidate Gov. Rick Perry is supported by NAR homies (and that says a lot, right).

De facto leader, C. Peter Wagner engages in "spiritual warfare" and also claims that God acted thru him to end mad cow disease in Germany (crazy much?). Another leader said that the tsunami in Japan was caused by the president repealing DADT (OK?) and the Japanese peeps not sufficiently embracing Christianity (double OK?). Needless to say, they are totally homophobic (which seems to always be the case with these nut jobs).

Don't diss the 70's either.
I will end with this quote from wiki...

"Forrest Wilder describes the New Apostolic Reformation as having "taken Pentecostalism, with its emphasis on ecstatic worship and the supernatural, and given it an adrenaline shot."[1] Wilder adds that beliefs of people associated with the movement "can tend toward the bizarre" and that it has "taken biblical literalism to an extreme."[1]
The organization has become increasingly involved in political activism, with many of its leaders supporting the 2012 presidential candidacy of Rick Perry.[1]"

Now we know.

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