Jumat, 23 September 2011

The End Of An Era, Then End Of Me

Wow, R.E.M. just broke up. They were one of my favorites in my teenage years that was, for better or worse, the 80's. R.E.M., The Smiths and U2 (before they became all Christian-y) were my favorites.

Of those three bands, R.E.M. had the guitar work that I really liked (The Smiths a very close second). It was in the early 80's, as me and my post puck country homies listened to mix tapes, getting stoned and drunk at the river or The End of The Road (our hangout), that I entertained the idea that I would like to be in a band and I started my long journey into music-playing and learning. I recall talking to "M", and trying to impress her with my desire to become a touring musician, and how her eyes lit up and I could see the smile in those eyes of that Norwegian pretty, pale face. It was moments like that that I thought "Yea Chris (I was Chris, not Kriss back then), you are on to something, buddy." A lot has happened since my teenage years of the 80's.

My favorite R.E.M. albums were from the 80's, but they really took off in the 90's. That decade they became so popular, and likewise, so important. As a post punk mod in the 80's I have to credit that music as the vehicle that shaped my politics. The Clash, The Style Council (esp. them) R.E.M. and U2 molded me into the progressive, social, liberal that I'am today. I fear what I would have become if I were never touched by music in those formative years (probably a mainstream republican, really). Alas, things change, and every good thing comes to an end.

It seems that the band is quitting on good terms. Hell they have accomplished all that a band can accomplish-they have nothing to prove. Still, it means more to me than that. "For those keeping score" and my kind gentle and very good looking readers, y'all know that I have been going thru the worst worst summer ever ever (I'm better now, thanks for all the support). Months ago I started the project Nu Kriss Summer/Fall 2011, or From The Ashes, The Phoenix Arises (but I'm still in the ashes part) and it is still a work in progress. Redefining ones self is a lot harder than I ever thought it would be, but like the show, the redefining must go on.

I haven't played my guitar in months, and I don't even listen to music anymore. The concerts that were the highlight of my summers, are skipped with no love loss. The football season is here, two games have passed, and I have not watched my team. Why, I'm letting go-I'm trying to change, trying to grow.

As evolved human animals we have this ability to seek patterns and see symbols in our daily lives and our environments. That is why we have discovered that seeds grow into trees and plants, that there are seasons, germ theory etc...Is R.E.M. a sign that my youth has ended (the band from my youth calling it quits after 31 frackin' years)? I don't know, only time will tell.

Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but...the season is about to change, and so am I. Wish me luck and thanks R.E.M..

* Slate

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