Sabtu, 10 September 2011

Memo To The Pope...Kettle-Black

Man oh man, God has it soooo easy. Dude is totally powerful, all knowing and responsible for everything. He loves all creatures and is totally all about love...except for when not. Sure the claim is God is responsibie for everything, well, that is except for when it is bad and wrong (ie that 9/11 thingy). Gawd is the ultimate hippie lover (once my title), except for when he goes sexism on the ladies, prejudices against GLBT peeps, enslaved people throughout history etc etc etc...

To say that God is innocent is the definition of wrong. The loophole that they use is that God didn't do it, it was a weirdo human believer that misinterpreted and misrepresented God; kinda along the lines of hate the sin, not the sinner. Well, I call bullshit on that. God is guilty. The weirdo believer was acting in the name of God and The New Atheists call bullshit on that. Pre 9/11 and pre-Nuevo Ateismo, sure I will grant that religion had the privilege of being exempt from criticism (for no other reason than 'they' said that we could not do it), but those days are over, buddy. Apparently Pope B-dog XVI didn't get the memo.

The Human Gateway to God recently said that it is a "no no" to commit violence in the name of God. This is the same pope that at one time said of his competitor, Islam, and their boy Muhammad's teachings, that they are "evil and inhumane" esp "command to spread by the sword of faith." This is the part where I go...WTF. So Benedict, I can call ya by your first name right, yea, so, anyways...hypocrite much, point the finger much, kettle-black, rubber glue, I know what you are, but what am I...much.

C'mon now. If God is responsible for everything, then dude is responsible for everything (or not). Same with the being all powerful thingy. Someone tell the pope that the conversation has evolved (thanks New Atheists) and yes...we can criticize religion (we have always been able to do that). And tell him to stop being all black-kettle-ish. Here's a quote from the pope's boy Jesus "Missing Years" Christ.

"I come not to bring peace, but to bring a sword" (Gospel of Matthew 10:34)

The pope called out Islam for spreading their faith by the sword. OM(nonexistent)GAwd, that is so rich. I have one word for the pope and other evangelical Christians that point the finger at other religions...dominionism. Hello.

The Pope also recently called on Islam to fight the infidels, err, secularist. Dude said that they have a common enemy in those that want a religion free public square for everyone, which if you ask me, is totally fair-to everyone. The thingy about that is that Christianity and Islam are cats and dogs, they will never get along. Back in the day for both religions to be an infidel just meant that one does not practice their religion: an infidel to an old school Christian v Islam, or visa versa, just meant others not on your team. Both religions use the sword to spread their faith, and both admonish the other when they do so. And ya know what...

Both are responsible for 9/11.

* Ya never hear "Dam, those atheists blew up that government building," or "That atheist went on a shooting spree in the name of atheism," "Those atheist and their stupid atheist wars." Only religion does that.

* SF Gate

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