Minggu, 11 September 2011

How To honor 9/11 Victims and Survivors

If you want to be a total dookie head and dishonor all those who have died in 9/11, the survivors, and all the family and friends affected, then promote pseudoscience, conspiracy theories and extremist religion. For those that want to inject more religion into this, when Mayor Bloomberg correctly did not include religious speakers in official capacity for today's 10 year anniversary, they just don't get it-religion is the cause of 9/11.

There are many many resources to debunk the 9/11 conspiracy theories. It has been years since I have read up on that stuffs (I can't believe that people still debate this), but that Popular Mechanics article, from what I recall, is the best. There are so many points that I could go over...fo sho I will not do that here (there are much better places for that). But...

I will mention the explosive devices thingy. So the claim is that the government planted explosive devices all over the buildings, so much so that when they pressed the button, the buildings fell in such a manner that it looked almost exactly as if it were a controlled demolition (weird and paranoid much).

Reall...really. So we are to believe that the government planted hella bombs all up and down and thru two buildings that are full of workers (50,000 plus), when there is 24-7 security and surveillance and no one noticed. Of all the peeps that did the planting, not one of them talked. It must have taken tens if not hundreds of workers planting bombs to accomplish a job like that. So none of them talked and not one person working in the building noticed. This is just one example of many that does not make sense and quite frankly...I'm too smart to believe that.

For those that believe that more religion will make this better I say...WTF. Religion is the reason why 9/11 happened. Like I said the other day, Islam and Christianity are like cats and dogs. They might lick each others butts some times, but given the chance...they will eat each other. What does it take to encourage a peep to, I dunno know, let's say hijack a plane, crash it and kill everyone on board including themselves...religion, the promise of an afterlife where one reaps heavenly rewards that pales life here on suffering erffs, an eternal awesomeness promised from Gawd himself that says, "Yea bro dude, your life is dookie, but if you blow up stuff and yourself...I'll take care of you in cloudville...and don't forget all those virgins that peeps keep talking about." But why did Islam go all Islam on NY City buildings.

One of the best and most important thingies about the battle and desire for secular society is that it is fair and equal for everyone. There is not one dominate religion, or belief, over another. And that is why all the forms of Christianity, whether it be Catholicism or any of the million gazillion evangelicals, are against secularism-they want to dominate. It is not enuff that American Christianity dominates the landscape here in the states, it has to spread...even in the nonChristian countries like the Asias and the Middle Easts.

Look at Egypt and Israel right now. The peace that has prevailed since, is it 67', is being replaced with protests and embassy bombings. Israel is loosing friends and people are looking at Palestine the way we used to look at S.Africa and apartheid. China and N. Korea are very wary of the spreading of American Christianity (and I'm not taking their side, just making a point), but S. America, Africa and S. E. Asia are experiencing growing numbers of American evangelical believers. Dontcha think that the indigenous religions will feel that their culture is being whitewashed, that there is a very real takeover happening. I think so.

The way to honor all those f-ed up by the terrorist attacks of 9/11 is to put extremist religion in it's proper place (nonexistence) and stop fueling stupid conspiracy theories. This is why The Mighty New Atheist are so important. If everyone, not just Team Atheist, knew that humans wrote the bible and Qu'ran and that they are not of divine origin, then would people be so eager to kill themselves and others, or be in a hurry to go to cloudville to collect the very overrated gaggle of virgins.

If the aggressive factions of extremist and literal religions could be transformed to symbolic and liberal religions, then we wouldn't have people that believe Gawd told them to kill, take over and dominate others. If we can win this very important battle for a godless public square, a place where everyone has freedom and equality and one religion does not dominate over others...then wouldn't we have world peace.

Honestly, we don't know...but we should at least try.

* Good hub page for everything that debunks 9/11 conspiracies at the awesome eSkeptic.

* Review of Forged the B. Erhmann book by the awesome Tim Callahan. Hint, the bible is fakey fake.

* Popular Mechanics

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