Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

Dawgs Plan Sucks If You Are An Animal

Genesis 1:28 Have way to many babies, don't care about over population because you, you dirty stinky human, rules over everything (because I said it's cool). And...and totally dominate the animals (my interpretation).

Not something you see everyday...or ever.
I mention this because of that super crazy crazy-ness that is the 'haps' in Ohio. "Animal Lover" Fred Polk, allegedly committed suicide the other day but before he took his own life, he set free the 56 wild animals that he had been collecting. Included on his farm were rare tigers, lions, wolves and bears. As of right now, 49 of the 56 animals that escaped have been put down. Totally totally tragic, esp if you are one of those animals. The animal kingdom is cruel and violent anyways. In the wild animals must track and kill, then rip apart another animal to survive...then humans come along and go, well, all human on them.

So why on God's green erffs would a person desire to cage wild animals...love(?). What gives Polk the authority to dominate and enslave rare and beautiful creatures? Fo sho there are the legal thingies about possessing wild and rare animals, but I'm not going to go into that other than to say it's stupid and should not be allowed. This morning a friend told me about some truck stop owner in BFE somewhere that has a permit for a tiger, or something. Dude claims that he "loves" his big cat and authorities seem to agree. Well, if that is love, then I don't want any of that. Like the song says, if you love them, set them free. 

OK I know nothing of Polk's beliefs and, admittedly, I may be reaching on this one but...God said it was cool to enslave the animals. If fact, dude said that humans must and will dominate over the erffs and everything on it (sorry animals). We are to subdue and dominate because there is a hierarchy: God, humans, everything else. Once again, with God's permission.

So here we go...There is an all powerful and all knowing and all mighty God bla bla bla...but he couldn't make a better system than this. If God was all loving, then why do animals have to rip each other apart just to survive. Why is there killing and rape in the animal kingdom. Why is there so much suffering? 

All God's creatures are created equal, well, except that hierarchy thing, except that dominate and subdue thing (contradict much, God, if that is your real name). What kind of love is it that captures and cages, enslaves and restricts innocent animals. There is a world for that, it's called hate and last time I checked, hate is not love. 

Some of the reports that I have read say that some of the officers are "heartbroken" by having to shoot and kill the escaped animals (and I don't doubt that. I'm sure the officers are sincere and were doing their duty). Was God testing them or is it one of those "God is just mysterious" or "We can't understand the mind of God" things. What kind of loving God puts his peeps in positions like that. Doesn't sound very powerful to me. Sounds cruel and hateful and ya know what, it sounds like human behavior, not Godly all powerful and all loving behavior.

Give animals some guns
I haven't the slightest idea why a human would think it's cool to take a beautiful wild animal and put it in a cage. For love, well, enslavement doesn't sound like love to me. We are taught at a very young age that we, humans, are to dominate over the erffs. We answer to no one except God and everyone/everything else will submit to us. 

Howz about another interpretation of Gen 1:28 Submit the women and enslave them by having their only role as baby making machines. Answer only to God, but totally rule over everything else. In fact don't worry about taking care of the erffs, just use all the resources and pollute the environment (cause the goal is heaven anyways) and tamper with nature and the animal kingdom in such a way that you dominate and subdue...in totality. And then we will call that love.

That is the way, that is what we are taught growing up and it is wrong.

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