Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

This Is What We Are Up Against

"..and if elected, I promise God will return to the public square." I said that, but I wouldn't be surprised.
"The intellectual authorities mentioned above – with the exception of Schaeffer who died in 1984 – all have media empires that spread their particular version of the gospel. Millions of dollars every year support the production of books, DVDs, radio shows, school curricula, and other educational materials. Very few evangelicals grow up without hearing some trusted authority – perhaps even with a PhD – tell them that the age of the Earth is an "open question". Or that scientists are questioning evolution. Or that gays are getting spiritual help and becoming straight. Or that secular historians are taking religion out of US history (Guardian UK.)"

Wow, super good article in The Guardian UK, even better than that Rolling Stone one. What stood out the most in this particular article is that the author, and the fellow Bachmann's of their generation, all got their training in the 70's. The "something something" has come home to roost, or whatever that saying is. Just look at this epic brainwashing, err, education that the author, Karl Giberson, received.

"By the time we were in college our generation of evangelicals had been educated into a profoundly different worldview than that of the secular, anti-Christian, Satan-following Ivy League elites we had been taught to fear. We understood the world to be a spiritual battleground with forces of good pitted against forces of evil. Real angels and real demons hovered about us as we prepared to wage these wars. We sang songs like Onward, Christian Soldiers in our churches. At summer camps and vacation Bible schools we stamped our feet, and waved our arms as we sang with good Christian gusto I'm in the Lord's Army. We knew which side we were on (Guardian UK)."

As I have mentioned time and time again...They have entire colleges, TV and radio stations. The amount of books that they sell dwarfs the Four Horsemen. They have the mission (dominionism) to inflitrat every sector of society and place God, goddam smack in the middle. They are taught that evolution is just a theory, as if it were some idea that was thunk while smoking weed. They are taught that God believes that America is "exceptional" (American exceptionalism). They are taught that they are better than others and the only reason is that they believe that God said that, God states that America is the "house on the hill." We have none of that.

What we have is the evolved human brain. A brain capable of reasoning. If there was an all powerful and all mighty God, then dude gave us this brain-a brain capable of debunking him. Super good article that mentions all the architects of modern evangelical Christianity: Francis Shafer, Henry morris, Ken "Ark Experience" Ham, James Dobson and David "I rewrite history to make you believe that Christianity is responsible for everything...everything" Barton. As the sayin' goes, "with friends like this..."

"The forces of good and evil, Satan spiritual battleground, Real angels and Real demons...the Lord's army," Lions, tigers and bears oh frackin' my. Team Atheist does not have a super huge propaganda, brainwashing, super structure to infect the minds of thousands (millions) like this. What we can do is small compared to their apparatus. Still, that makes me wanna fight even harder. Come join me, join the team...

Team Atheist Forever.

* Guardian UK

* Thanks to @BenCOGrimm for the h/t.

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