Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

Say It Isn't So

Yea buddy, Team Atheist/Feminist.
Ugh, I do believe that it is a totally waste of time to fight the same fights over and over; and yet because the same issues keep coming up...then bring it on. That Gawds party is still fighting/debating the scopes monkey trial and Roe v. Wade are perfect examples of the battleground rewind. We are still fighting for civil rights, equality for minorities and fer Christ's sake, it's 2011. Feminism is also one of those battle grounds.

Just read an article on USA Today about the younger generation and feminism. Sadly, so it seems, the young ladies are not embracing feminism, they think equality has arrived and the worst part, they see the movement in stereotypical terms that should have been left behind in the 70's (that was a long time ago). I understand that a little boy might think that "boys are better than girls", but adults, college students, the young ladies (say it isn't so). The worst worst part of the article is the comments.

Many many times the best parts of the article is the comment section (esp. when Team Atheist shows up for the debate. so proud of y'all). Not this time. The remarkable group NOW is celebrating their 45th mighty year, the thingy about it is that...it's not that mighty.

The first comment implied that NOW is a dinosaur like the NAACP. Oh Nooooozzzzz. Say it isn't so. Another one said that the 70's Women's Rights Movement "wiped out femininity" and created a generation of tomboys. WTF, who are these weirdoes ("were-dooz" or weirdos (we're-doze"). And of course, God will show up in the comment section with this commenter saying that feminism ruined the traditional family structure (no, maybe sexism, abusiveness, inequality and religion ruined the "traditional family").

Oh Jenn, you should have went to school in Nor Cal. Le sigh.
Some of the college aged females students interviewed said that they think feminism automatically means something bad. For their generation it might mean an angry and pushy person that does not shave. To them it is something that their mothers and their grandmothers did (sheez, appreciate much). Recently, with the MLK statue thingy, I saw many reports of young black kids, kids that are reaping the benefits of their predecessors, going to the ceremonies and showing respect and appreciation for those that paved the way before them. Where is that for the feminist movement?

You have come a long way, baby, but there is still a ways to go. The main reason that I see is the bad religion that the mighty atheist blogosphere keeps talking about. Look at the language of the evangelical: submissive, dominionism, take our family back etc....so sayith the Lord.

Feminism is not dead, but it is not thriving either. Is their equal pay, no. Is there equal treatment, no. We , Team Atheist that is, have a lot in common with the feminists (literal biblical interpretations is our opponet). That is why I keep pumping the "team" concept. We need to team up. Divided we will fall, but together, with civil rights advocates, the #OWS'ers, secularist, and those who battle for scientific intergrity...and the feminists....let's team up and do this thing.

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