Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

Double Dog Epic Science Win

 Oh science...why are you so truth-y-n-all. That is why I heart ya so much. What is it about the truth that Team Atheist and Team Skeptic heart so much...THE TRUTH. Fo sho science does not know everything (and no one ever said it will. is that even possible. no) but, I believe, it is the best  and most reliable knowledge out there (compared to, let's say...theology). One of the beauties of science, is that it can change when better evidence is presented (read "change" in a Homer Simpson voice, "Mmmmm, change.")

First up in the Double Dog Epic Science Win is this father daughter duo from one of my favorite cites, B-zerkeley. Richard Muller, of the Berkeley Erffs Surface Study, was a climate change skeptic, but as the sayin' goes...his heart and mind changed...err, due to that pesky evidence that Team Skeptic keeps talking about.

Dude pursued long held climate skeptic theories (remember Climategate) and he analyzed hella data (because that is what scientists do, right) and guess what...no not chicken butt this time...He concluded that the erffs temperature is 1.6 degrees more right now than in the 1950's. This is the best part and this is for Team Prog-Lib. The study was partially funded by those guys, the Koch brothers. And that my kind gentle and very good looking readers makes this particular science victory...even sweeter.
This is a Bay Area two fer, cause next up is the City I was born in...yes, my wonderful San Francisco (baby, I may come back one day, once day. le sigh). This science win has to do with those urban legends that Team Skeptic loves to debunk (ya know, cause we are all thruth-y-n-stuffs) specifically the bronze plaque in the Mission district that claims to be the place of the Cities origin.

Legend states that in June 29, 1776, the first Spanish settlers camped at Lake Dolores (aka Dolores Lagoon). I'm not gonna go all geek creek geologist-n-all (I'll leave that up to the two brainiacs pictured above. thanks), but the latest research claims that "No way Jose. It is physically impossible for those water formations and a canyon to physically exist at these points in the city (read the super good NPR article for, ya know, the real details-n-stuffs).

Fo sho the article has science-y stuffs, but what I wanna point out is this. The people that put the (incorrect) plaque in the Mission district are hella pissed. They did not wanna be interviewed for the article. They spent years researching the topic and dagnabit, they-ze ain't gonna change. What did the scientists say.

"The two creek geologists would like to see the plaque taken down or at least revised. They say there's nothing really wrong with a creation myth, but they'd prefer the truth (NPR)."

Thank you science,

Heart Kriss

* What is this strange feeling welling up inside of me. Let's see, the sun is out, I've been taking my meds (thanks again science), I have supportive friends that love me, my internet presence is killin' it (the six pack blog is back up to 300 hits a day, yippie), and I have the full range of feelings again (both positive and negative)...is it happiness. Fuckin' hope so......

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