Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

Is "Restudied" Even A Word

I was gonna take that unannounced break that I always take (when it happens), but I can't pass this one up (I'll make it short and sweet just like me, seemingly 4 of 7 days). The failed, and I mean all capitals failed (F.A.I.L.E.D.) prophet, or as the cool kids say profit, Harold Camping now says that the end is deff coming at the end of October.

The super old and straight up dumb Camping "restudied" his calculations and said that this end of times will be nice and quiet, and fo sho it WILL be happening this time. Fer real. In fact he wants everyone to know, ya know, because you have kids and loved ones and all, that "...there will probably be no pain by anyone because of their rebellion against God," which is a relief to an out atheist like me. He continues...

 "This is very comforting to all of us because we all have children, we all have loved ones that are dear to us that we know are not saved and yet we know that they'll quietly die."

OoooKkkkaaayyy. Crazy much. "REstudied", is that a word. I'm not even gonna look that up. Let's recall that he got the original doomsday prediction by using "the word of God", or as Team Atheist always says, "cherry picked particular passages from the bible", and the skeptics favorite, numerology to come up with May 21st, 2011. "Restudied", really, that just doesn't look right to me.

Any who, if you prayed for his recovery, which is what God wants-because Camping told us that is what God wants, then the true believers will "quietly receive the new heaven and the new earth..." (in their butts, I couldn't resist). Once again God is the door man to the exclusive club and to get in there, because supposedly that is where all the cool kids are, you have to be devoted to the true God and the true Christianity (outta a million gazillion different ones that all say they are the true).

On his Facebook page (yes, he has Facebook) he is being called out by, guess who...true believers. they are saying that HE is the false profit. And I went a long way for this, but this is the point that I was gonna make short and sweet...If some believers can dismiss Camping as false, then why can't they turn the same critical eye on themselves. I'm sure that whatever reasoning they used to debunk Camping, they could use the same template for their own beliefs. 

...OK, I'll tell ya why. It's not that they can or cannot do that particular task. I'm confident that most believers do have the ability to turn the critical eye on their own beliefs. I just don't think that they are willing to do that. That is the difference, "can" ya do something, or are you "willing" to do something. 


* I have a new motto. "One day at a time." I'm gonna beat this....really. Awesome

* Article

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