Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

Working Both Sides

Honestly, for a while growing up I thot I wuz Japanese. I didn't know what a Filipino was/is.
 O yea, ready for some super vague-y vague-ness reporting and commentary that may or may not make sense...too bad. I wanna say "kettle" and "black" again but I've said that too often the past couple of months. But what can ya expect, after all, we are dealing with religion, ya know, that thing that Team Atheist says is synonymous with "making sense", right(?).

What is that really good Kurosawa movie when the samurai works both gangs and instead of him killing all of them, or being killed him self, he gets them to kill each other-and then he gets paid on top of that (what a frackin' baddass). It was the inspiration for that Clint Eastwood movie, I believe it was called-and fo sho I've been wrong before, A Few Dollars More. Any who...

Team Atheists' mbff, Bill Donohoe has responded to the stupid that the Rev. Robert Jeffress has been saying as of late. In case your are not a prog-lib, atheist, skeptic, nerd, political junkie, baddass, then let me fill ya in. The Rev-J said the stupid last weekend when he went all "Mormonism is a cult" blast. There is way more, must remember to finish this one (1).

So our good friend Bill, president of the Catholic League, responded to Rev-J's dumb dumbheadedness with...
 "Where did they find this guy? When theological differences are demonized by the faithful of any religion—never mind by a clergyman—it makes a mockery of their own religion. Rev. Jeffress is a poster boy for hatred, not Christianity (Catholic League Newletter Home, Ya I read that. Dontcha?).

 Wow Bill, hate much. That was not a very Christian-y comment. That last statement is what we have been sayin' about Bill for a very long time, err, our good friend Bill. Oh did I mention that the Rev-J called Bill's religion "the outgrowth of a "corruption"called the "Babylonian Mystery". Wow again. I don't even know what those words in that order means, but I sure know me some fightin' words when I hear 'em. Those are fighting words. Wait there's more. This is religion, there is always more hate.

“Much of what you see in the Catholic Church today doesn’t come from God’s word. It comes from that cult-like pagan religion. Isn’t that the genius of Satan (CLN)."

Oh no he didn't. Wait did I mention that the Rev-J is one of those evangelical Christians (I forget which one, the one that spreads hate and intolerance) that believes that they practice the one true religion and everyone else practices Satanism, or something like that. So kind gentle and very goodlooking readers, you can see why our good friend Bill went off with his "Where did they find this guy" blast. So epic on both sides...the hate that is.

I dunno, this atheist is content to sit back and watch both sides go back and forth, lobbing hateful comments and then responding to the response of an earlier lobbed hateful comment. I'm sure I've mentioned this a million gazillion times, but classic military strategy, the one move, basic fighting principles 101, if you don't know this, you don't know squat...divide and conquer. Hell, I would like to participate, err, I dunno, maybe talk some shit and do the "Hey Bill, wanna know what Rev-J said about you." You know stoke the fire a little, enuff so that both organizations and philosophies go at it and eventually burn into nothingness.

Oh in a perfect world. Until then, I'm a gonna watch them battle like one watches a tennis match, and yes...I will enjoy it.

(1). Rev-J also blasted Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism as "false religions." And this morning I read an article where some separate church state peeps want the IRS to look into Rev-J for violations. This guys talks to Gawd. So rich...

* Article

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