Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

What Is "Bugnutty" Anyways?

 Bugnut: crazy, insane, flipped out.
Useage: Did you see what happened? Dude went all bugnut/bugnutty.

The Big Guy really fudged up this time. No I'm not talking about Gawd, I'm talking about the big guy part of the comedian duo Penn and Teller (Penn Jillette is the Waaaayyyyyy bigger of the two). What did he do...he wrote an opinion piece in the LA Times. Why is that a big deal-eo, because "they" got mad. Why did "they" get mad, because dude called them "bugnuts" and "bugnutty." So WTF.

In the piece called Politics and the bugnut Christians, the Big Guy talks about how all politicians need to court the whole populations vote. If politicians were to rely on, let's say, only their religions vote, then they would never be elected because no one religion dominates the landscape that much. Pretty decent piece that breaks down some numbers-n-stuff and it is worth a looksie. But in the letters to the editor, the subject, ya know the actual topic of the piece, is not even mentioned.

Some of the Christian readers are all butt-hurt over the Big Guy calling politicians like Perry and Bachmann "bugnutty". They pulled out the "you would never say that about Jews or Muslims" card or the "that is unacceptable" card and even the "hey man, I'm liberal and I'm still butt-hurt" card. I'm gonna pull out the I don't know what they are complaining about card.
 Perry and Bachmann believe in American Exceptionalism and subscribe to that dominionism that even mainstream media has been talking about lately. If those beliefs are not insane, weird and peculiar, then I dunno what "bugnutty" is. The Big Guy didn't say anything like it is totally weirdo to believe that Christians believe that the original hippie, that's Jesus, was 1/3 human, God and ghost (again, if that is not "bugnutty" then I don't know what is. quite bizzare dontcha think). He did mention that he thought is was "bugnutty" for Bachmann to believe that natural disasters are a way that the Great Surveillance Camera in the Sky communicates to his peeps. Again..."bugnutty."
I think it is "bugnutty" for "them" to get all butt-hurt about an opinion piece in a mainstream newspaper. I guess "they" didn't get the memo that the New Atheists have arrived, we are here to stay and we have advanced "the conversation." The free pass for religion has been voided. For centuries religion has enslaved the brown peeps and went all sexism on the ladies. "They" have stifled the advancement of science and are responsible for this thing called the Dark Ages. Wars, both past and present, are fought in the name of God and countless have been straight up murdered in his name. What did the Big Guy funny man them a name. Grow fuckin' up.

Team Atheist ya know what I'm gonna say right...If they don't want to be made fun of for having silly beliefs, then stop having silly beliefs.

* Op-ed article.

* The bugnutty response.

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