Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

A Month Of Saturdays Pt 1

Breakfast dates are nice, esp if they are not planned.
(How about something nice for a change...)

Sometimes I get there first, sometimes she gets there first. Is it a coincidence that we can set up shop with our computers-n-stuff at the same table week after week, or are there angels in the restaurant making things so. The computers are not the only ones sitting in close proximity. I don't know if the computers like it, but...

We do the "small talk" that people do and I can see the table is shaking, ever so slightly, because her motor is running underneath the table (I dunno if I make her nervous or if she was already nervous, whatever). I keep telling myself don't be a creep and "maintain eye contact" and "remind me where your eyes are again" but as the sayin' goes...you can fight city hall, but you can't fight biology (that is a sayin', right). As I sip my coffee and peer over the rim of the cup, admittedly trying to catch a glimps, I feel like I am fighting 100's of millions of years of evolution (I know it's only 98, 000 don't mess it up, skeptics) by not having the "wandering eye", by trying to be a gentleman, by keeping my cup raised just so I can only see the greenness of her eyes, and nothing else. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes not (and honestly, I can draw her from memory alone).

"What are you working on?" "My blog." "Ewh, I don't like your blog. You take the fun and mystery out of everything." "If something is known, then it's not a mystery." OK, Kiss, STFU, just sit there and look hot and if you have to...dumb. Not everyone cares about the battle for secular society, the war on reason and the quest for truth. And in reality, "The Battle" is just a part of my day and part of my life. After all, man cannot be concerned with only the affairs of the world...what about the heart (I'll answer that...I dunno, it has been so long since I've opened up).

Sometimes we sit on the same side of the table. I would like to give her that super lame Christian side hug that Team Atheist made fun of a year or so ago, but I'm so lame...I haven't gotten that far. I think one time of the several times that we have sat on the same side of the table, one time the fabric of my pants (accidentally) touched the fabric of her outfit, at the knees. BTW, she is fashionable in that good alternative way that I like, but because I'm a bro-dude, I do not have the language to describe her style. All I can say is that she is really cutsie and deff not mainstream. Any who...

Even babies fist bump.
Sometimes we sit on the same side of the table and we look at whatever on her computer. To me it's not that I'm particularly interested in what is on the computer screen as much as who is controlling the computer screen. "Awh buddy, that is so cool," is often times my reply (and if you do not hang around the #atheistcafe, then you do not know that that is my reply, like, a million percent of the time for anything). I look at the way that my computer's chord slightly touches her computer near the USB port (and yes, THAT is intended symbolism, after all, I am a writer) and I sigh with envy and excuse my self to go smoke a cigarette.

The minutes turn to hours and suddenly the morning is gone. We have been here way to long and there is not enuff Internet to look at. We pack up our stuffs and say good bye to our good friends at the #cutegirlrestaurant and, sometimes, I walk her to her car in the guise of "I'm gonna smoke another cigg." There is no more Internet to buffer us, the cigarette is gone and the Indian summer sun is directly overhead. It is time to say goodbye....


* OK I know what "you" are gonna ask, "Kriss, is this real. Is this like Miss Cutie Low Pants (one of my favorite pieces from a couple of years back on the old more personal blog)." Well "you", if that is your real name, I never said if Miss Cutie Low Pants was a "conglomerate" as you called it. And my answer to your question is...

"err, mmm," In my stoned Nor Cal accent, "I dunnooooo." Mysteries, just like good fiction or an autobiography, are always exciting.

* Oh I forgot, we don't hug, or even Christian side hug, when we say goodbye, but I always "fist bump" her, or as I call it...the bro shake.

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