Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

Praying 24/7

 Oh frackin' joy. It's gonna be a long fuckin' day. Any who...prayer doesn't work, there have been scientific experiments that come to that conclusion, people that pray in public (or private for that matter) look crazy to me, remind me about the "pencil theory" and yes, I'm in a bad mood. But don't tell IHOP that prayer doesn't work (it wouldn't matter anyways-cognitive dissonance much) because then their 24/7 prayer fest will all be for NOT.

At the International House of Prayer (IHOP) in Kansas City, Mo they have been praying 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for a hella long time (Sepr 1999). Pray tell, why (I couldn't resist)? Well, of course to "save business, media and government from evil." Yes, fuckin' EVIL. Yes, we are like four years old...we are going to pray, or as Team Atheist calls it-wishful thinking to your self-because there are evil forces at work in the physical world that we live in (fuckin' stupid and childish, really).
 Yea buddy, 12 years of nonstop praying and/or Jesus-y music (yuck) that to my surprise attracts many people from all over the world: Britain to S. Korea. You would think it would be hard to get peeps to "pray" the early morning shifts, but people change their schedules and make the commitment...what is the commitment again..."push back evil forces that threaten to overwhelm society." From my super smart and intelligent and far superior atheist perspective, the only threat I see is from da da daaa...THEM.
 Wouldn't ya know it, these 24/7 prayer weirdos are associated with the dominionism and the NAR that the atheist blogosphere keeps talking about. That splinter cell of Christianity (and yet very vocal and powerful) whether it's called Charismatic, evangelical, the house on the hill, dookie poo poo, what freekin' ever it's called, wants to take over all parts of secular society. They literally want to infiltrate the government, public schools, universities, every fuckin' thing and inject their particular God to the forefront, front and center in the most prominent way possible.

IHOP was recently involved in that prayer rally for that Texas Governor that was all controversial back in August (it's Rick Perry in case you couldn't guess). I'll say it again and again fellow atheist peeps...This is what we are up against. Does anyone think that IHOP is playing by the rules of a separate church and state-I don't.

Their headquarters is an old mall (and I'm guessing that to buy an entire mall isn't cheap). They also own an entire apartment complex to house the frackin' students and teachers of their frackin' university (bible college) and there are plans to purchase 125 acres so they can build a 100 million dollar church there. WTF, I thought there was a recession/depression goin' on.
IHOP's army of mindless soldiers for Christ take pride in doing what they call the nite shift (11pm-5am). Participants are expected to pray for the equivalent of a part time job (25 hours a week) and 25 bands a week each play 2 hour sets. That is a tremendous amount of effort, week in and week out. So what the frack' are these weirdos praying for.

Founding Pastor Mike Bickle, "It's completely within view right now. If I was a betting man, I'd bet it would happen in the life of two years olds." Of course the pastor is referring to da da daaa...THE END OF THE WORLD. Yes, Rapture, the bad 'ol end of times. That is why they are praying 24/7 week after week. And WTF, where did he get "two year olds". Really, it seems like he pulled that number outta his ass. Any who...

This is the kicker (I know the whole thing has been a kicker). What differentiates IHOP (which btw, is a horrible horrible acronym) from the other loony end of times, religions of peace, is that instead of God destroying the erffs and taking his select and elite and small amount of peeps to cloudville, the saved will remain here on earth.

If that doesn't show that religion is totally made up and fakey fake, then I dunno what does show that....and yes, I'm pissed toady.

* Super good article in the always containing atheist/religious content The Mighty LA Times

* Fuck you and fuck you again. In fact go fuck your self and when you are done doing that go fuck yourself some more....and have a nice weekend.

* It's looking like the transformation to angry atheist is happening...or not.

* Friendly Atheist

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