Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

Excuse me sir, do you know where George Carlin Street is.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/MeSSwKffj9o" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

(Sarcastic) Dugh, yeeeaaaa. As if Team Atheist needed another reason to not like the Catholic church...really. This is ridicules. The self proclaimed holy men, the ones that have been trying to convince the world that women are inferior to men-because their Sky Voyeur created the ladies second and from a dudes rib-that have been trying to convince the world that there is a super all powerful and all knowing Gawd that cares who we have sex with and how (doesn't sound that powerful to me) and that Gawd loves the GOP...they have gone to far on this one.

Pastor Raymond Rafferty of Corpus Christi is going all brimstone and hellfire over the proposed idea of naming a street after the thinking man's comedian, George "frackin' Carlin (didn't I write the other day about religion getting mad over a 'proposed' idea). A stretch of 121st street, between Broadway and Amsterdam, is the territory in question. It is also the area where Carlin grew up. The fear that Pastor Uptight Pants has is that at his school, which is also the Catholic school Carlin attended, the children might read Calin's name on the street, thus being exposed to his "vulgarness" (as if kids are not exposed to vulgarness). Prioritize much?

The Catholic church has dwindling numbers and is facing extinction because it is a bronze age belief that does not relate to modern times and peoples...oh yea, that boy fucking thing also. Of course the mistake is mine, after all, I'm sayin' that the church doesn't makes sense. It's my bad for ass-u-me-ing that the Catholic church should make sense (what was I thinking).

This is why the battle for secular society is so important. It offers a fair public square for everyone. And speaking of fairness, if Pastor Uptight Pants is all outraged over one of Team Atheists favorite comedians, then we should show outrage over Christians killing gays in Africa, squashing scientific progress in favor of mythology and stupidstition, and yes, the boy fucking. Once again Team Atheist shows up in the comment section.

I heart y'all.

* Article

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