Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

Hello World, Thanks for Checkin' Out The "Rocks"

This IS actual size. I'm 11 inches tall and almost 1lb (and I feel kinda flabby right now).
I'm holding on and I'm clinging as of lates. What am I holding on to...I don't even know if that  exists-I just know that I'm holding on. One of the thingies that makes me happy lately, and also makes me not-happy, is looking at the statistics of the six pack blog. It makes me happy that peeps from all over the world (that is, if you are not a 'bot') come to check out my godless abs (and it makes me not-happy that the numbers are down-it's a double edge sword). Thanks so much weirdos from other countries that come here. I really hope that you originally came for the six pack, but you stayed for the content.

The statistics that Blogger provides does many things. If you have a blog you must, MUST, check out your stats. If you don't, then I'm revoking your skeptic/atheist/nerd/goober card. Shame on you fer not "bro-ing out" on the numbers. In this post I just wanna address and acknowledge the "audience statistics."

The free statistics that Blogger provides can break it down into diff categories like now, day, week, month and all time. It can break it down to what operating system peeps are using and what browser peeps are using. There is a lot of good information and you can learn from this stuffs, like, I didn't know simple pie was a browser or that there were even hella operating systems. Who knew, not me (that's a good sentence). Fuck that shit, what I wanna post about right now is the audience stats. Where is it that everyone comes from.

I Googled Australia, hot chicks and beaches for this pic.
Oh yea buddy, all the super hot skeptic/atheist ladies from down under are coming to the six pack blog, this week. In fact, 23. And if you are reading this and you are a dude (how do Australians says 'dude' or 'bro') from down under, then disregard this comment. Thanks homies.

Russia, this week, is rolling in at 89 super hot blond atheist ladies that wear a ridicules amount of bling. In fact it is a gaudy amount of bling, the amount that makes people stop, point and stare when they see it/you. But you knew that, right, baby and that is why you come here. Thanks. If you are a fat, drunk and hairy Russian dude, then disregard the previous comment. Thanks.

Of course, America is gonna come in first in all the categories. For the week I have had 'gaudy' 763 hits...from the good 'ol U (space) S (space) of (space) A-aaaaaaaaaaaa. And funny thing, you would think that I would have hella readers, subscribers, followers from Sac Town, but that is not the case. WTF.

OK, moving on to the "day" category, lookie lookie who is representing hard with 10 mighty hits. guessed correctly...Pakistan. OM(nonexistent)Gawd!!! Pakistan, welcome, welcome. I hope you are freedom fighters and are of like mind with me. I imagine that if you have a computer and Internet then you are "well to do", or a college student perhaps. Deff. liberal and deff. open enuff to come here. I think it's so cool that 'lil old me gets 10 frackin' hits from your country. If you are the Pakistan secret service or a cleric that will cut off my hands for blasphemy...then this is not Kriss. He moved.

I'm a gonna bunch this one. Pale, fared skin, super hot ladies of the United Kingdom (whatever that is, I'm American so I don't know geography) with your freckles and your soft and fair skin that never sees the sun, thanks for coming by today, 12 times. And that goes for you to Ukraine (8 times) and Ireland (5 times) and Finland (3 times), thanks for coming by ladies. It makes me feel good that total hotties from different countries come to the blog to see if there are more pictures of my six pack (but then you stay for the content, right). And...and if you are a dude from those countries, then thanks to you also...I guess. Any who...

Isn't looking at statistics fun. I think so. There is also a "right now" category and what that tells you is...who is on right now at this moment and ya know who I see there? You know who I see and I'm totally stoked to see you there, day after day, time and time again. It warms my heart that my peeps come to the six pack blog. I tooooooottttaaaalllly go to Filipino freethought blogs and atheist sites (when I can find them). I totally read the Filipino newspapers and try and stay up to date on all the 'haps' going on in the islands. I'm so proud to announce that at this moment, from my beautiful beautiful Philippines, I have one visitor. Salamat, homie and thanks.
One more picture for good measure.

The all time category is the all star statistics. These are the bread and butter, the ones that have fueled the fire for the two years and a handful of months that I have been killin' it here. In no particular order....Phiippines rolling in at 1,521 hits, the superior race with hot blonds, Germany rolling in at 1,069, surprisingly to me, the Netherlands rolling in at 482 (thanks you so much Netherlands. Like I said, I'm American and I'll have to look up where you are on the map. Thanks so much Team N-Land), South Korea is rolling hard at 388, but France trails them at 358. I appreciate all the attention, but really, I thought France would be like, top three, right. Still, it's much appreciated, both you countries (where's my North Korea stats I wonder). India and Canada, two countries that I have always thought would be nice to visit are rolling in at 1,986 and 3,839 respectively and do I have to say it...super hot Indian and Canadian atheist, skeptic and morally and ethically good hotties...thanks so much. I really, really appreciate it. I really do. 

As I mentioned earlier, it doesn't seem like I have that many local readers while most of the readers (that's you guys and gals) are, like, totally in the world-n-stuffs.  I think it's absolutely wonderful that 'lil old me can reach an audience so wide and diverse and so all over the world. It brings a whole new meaning to that "drop in the bucket' analogy, or a butterfly flaps it's wings or...or...hell, whatever.

Thanks world,

Heart Kriss

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