Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

Christians v. Mormons And Why I'm Scared

We're not Mormons, we just dress like this.
 My imaginary friend is better than your imaginary sky daddy, well that is what the people at the Value Voters Summit want ya to think. Mitt Romney, not to be confused with his evil twin, Ritt Momney, one of the Mormons running fer Prez, spoke at the uber religious conference, ya know because anyone running must court the religious vote.

In this election cycle the topic, are Mormons Christian (and do they worship the same God), has come up many times. Fo sho the average American voter will not vote for Team Atheist and when Kennedy ran back in the day it was questioned "Will America vote for a Catholic", Jimmy "Peanut" Carter was the first born again and now...will American vote for a Mormon is the "haps". Like I have said many times...religion is the most important topic ever ever, esp. in this upcoming election cycle.

Let's get down to the nitty gritty of the Values Voters Summit. The Rom-Man spoke and said a bunch of general stuffs that religious voters like-n-stuff. The controversy is that the next speaker after the Rom-Man was the Christian hater and super elitist j-ass, Bryan Fisher. This Fisher guy is a gem. Check it out...

Of course he is all hate-y on the GLBT community, wants the women folk to be subservient to the men folk and get this, he thinks that Rom-Mans religion is a cult. He believes that Muslims and Christians do not worship the same God and that there has not been a terrorist attack in the United States because at Major League Baseball games God Bless America is sung during the 7th inning stretch. Oh yea, and he's one of the dudes that fears that Sharia law is creeping into the American justice system. Crazy much.

This is what the Rom-Man said before his Christian, super elitist, counterpart took the stage.

"Our values ennoble the citizen and strengthen the nation. We should remember that decency and civility are values, too," Romney said. "One of the speakers who will follow me today has crossed that line, I think. Poisonous language doesn't advance our cause. It's never softened a single heart nor changed a single mind (Huff Po)."
One of the million gazillion reasons Team Atheist becomes, err, Team Atheist is the hypocrisy of religion. Sheez, unfair much, cross the line much, call the kettle black much, err, religious much: "decency" and "civility", really-WTF. I have one word for the Rom-Man...What the hell about Prop 8. Yes, the hugely Mormon funded hateful proposition that totally discriminates against the GLBT community (yes, that's one word). Another reason why Team Atheist becomes Team Atheist....

At thingies like the Values Voters Summit there is always much talk about "taking back American" and who is patriotic-n-stuff. The Rom-Man committed the logical fallacy (I forget what it's actually called) of sayin' something to the extent...if you vote for me, you will have a patriotic president in the white house. Agh...OK. So I guess President Obama is not patriotic. He just needed a job and applied for that one. Just because you don't agree with him doesn't mean he's not patriotic.

Another reason why the Team, becomes the Team, is the hijacking of words and their meanings (besides the hypocrisy-n-stuff). Only Christians can be true Americans, only believers can be patriotic and only conservatives love American. Obviously that is not true and Joe and Jane average skeptic/atheist can see thru that crap. What scares me is the mindless voters that will vote on the side of their religion, the voters that do not know the issues and how government works and the voters that tow the party line. Values Voters Summit caters to such a crowd.

May the Flying Spaghetti Monster have mercy on their nonexistent souls.


* Mitt's Mormonism from the super awesome Slate.

* For those "keeping score", the score is not good. I'm totally losing right now.

* I'm really scattered brain-ed right now. I'm not sure that this post even makes sense (or if I make sense in general), but I'm sticking to "just publish it and do better next time." That's what atheist blogging is all about.

* Fuck you.

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