Rabu, 30 November 2011

I Can't Stand This Any Longer....

 I've been thinking of You (as of lately, constantly). Where are you? Have we met? Is it You? I think, I believe (I know)...I believe it IS so. Baby, it's me (Kriss). Where are You?

I said I would meet you in the horizon. I said I would meet You when seeds grow to trees. I will meet You where the river meets the sea. I have been waiting, and I will wait some mo'.

When it does happen (the time when I hold You in my arms)...it will be: I/we have been waiting all this time, we have been here all along....(and) I will wait more and more.  It doesn't matter how it comes...just as long as it comes. I will wait thru the three existences of time, past present and the future. I don't fuckin' care anymore...I don't care.

Where are You? You stole my sleep....and I forgive you (I don't want to sleep anyways....). Stop doing this to me, I can't handle is anymore...no more.

The universe is infinite...but I'am not....

I'm Still In The Game: Battle For Secular Socitey

Ernesto Biondi, Satrunalia. 1909 Buenos Aries.
The War on Christmas has started...and I'm late to the game (sorry, depression and all, but don't count me out. I'm fuckin' IN, buddy). First the religious right got mad at The One, yes, the black president that I still believe in, President Obama, and now they are mad at the Rhode Island governor because dude didn't call the Christmas tree a Christmas tree and instead a holiday tree (which is the correct thing to do.). I'm down for the battle for secular society, even if you are not-I'll fight for everyone-I don't care about my weakened state. The shit is too important.

If you will recall, my kind gentle and very good looking readers (some more than others) the religious right recently got mad at The One because in his Thanksgiving Day address he, (nonexistent) heaven forbid, did not mention God-Gawd. Even tho America is (supposedly) a melting pot of many different cultures and beliefs, the religious right got their panties all in a buch because The One did the correct thingy and made his speech....for everyone (wasn't Gawd there anyways....why does he need the recognition. Kinda petty, right.).

Gov. Lincoln Cahffe (R.I.) said, “I would encourage all those engaged in this discussion — whatever their opinion on the matter — to use their energy and enthusiasm to make a positive difference in the lives of their fellow Rhode Islanders (Wa Po On Faith)." Yeaaaa, hello, really, let's focus on important things. I agree, that is a good idea.

First of all, Jesus wasn't born on December 25th, dude was born in the spring. Secondly, (I believe, and I could be wrong) the date of December 25th was decided by the Council of Nicaea in 325AD to attract pagan believers to this new holiday...Jesus-mas/Christmas (am I wrong on that, skeptics.whatevah...). The bringing of an evergreen tree into the house was a winter solstice thingy in many cultures and (perhaps) signified the coming of longer days (which meant spring and summer) and broke up the monotony of stayin' inside and gave you a reason to drink hella beer-which they called "ale" back in the day.

The thing about religion, in cases like this, is that it is all divide-y. Really, holiday tree v Christmas tree. What if those really good looking and liberal Jewish peeps started saying "let's call it the Menorah Tree, yea let's do that." there would be outrage. This is the Christian privilege that Atheist Revolution keeps talking about. 

This is the battle for secular society.

* Article Wa Po On Faith

Selasa, 29 November 2011

This Tumblr site made me laugh.

Hello everyone, I'm Johnny Cash.

This is the dirty stinky and sticky Russia boy I wrote about a couple of months ago. He doesn't wash, so stuff sticks to him and his peasant brained family thinks he's magnetic. And yea, I'm a dick sometimes.

I can't believe I saw this movie on LSD as a teen. WTF.

This picture says 1,000 words...that are beyond my capability. Sheez.

Why wasn't I around in the 70's...like this. That's O.G. pimpin'.

It's football season...even tho I haven't watched a game yet this year. Go Niner's...I guess.

I got these from a funny site on Tumblr called i hate my parents. Pretty funny, yo. Laugh you atheists, you.

Senin, 28 November 2011

Today's KTSA News Roundup

Don't look like terrorists to me.
Why is it when ever I mention my beautiful Philippines...something bad has happened. Because something bad as happened, again. Yesterday in Southern Philippines a bomb exploded in a hotel killing 3 with many others hurt. Lemmie cut to the chase.

Yes Islamic rebels were involved. Yes, the Southern Islands have been battling the Northern Islands for a long time now. The first is Islamic and the second Christian. And yes, it is about that, but...It's also about the land and resources and people. The northern government is raping the land and exploiting the people of the south. There are hella minerals, and other resources, that the northern government is awarding super lucrative contracts to foreign companies/investors at the expense of the land and people.

Good luck Philippines, I heart you.

Look how frackin' beautiful this is.
A 200lb third grader was taken away from his mother and put in foster care. That's good right. This way he will not graduate HS, still be obese and away from his mother.

Peace be with you.

And also with you.

Let us lift our hearts up to the Lord......err, wait a minute. Not anymore. That wacky Catholic church has changed the script. For the past forty years the, let's call it-back and forth-between the boy fuckers and the fuckies, has been changed (ugh, what an ugly sentence. yucky). Now there is a new script (and I couldn't care less).

Love him or hate him....Lil' Timmy Tebow is a winner. It seems the prayers of Broncos fans has been answered. But in true prayer fashion...it didn't happen like you wanted. Truly mysterious ways indeed.

Check out this epic quote from former Broncos q-back about current Broncos q-back the previously mentioned, Timmy. I thought it was kinda funny.

My internet homie, Stevo over at Left Hemispheres, has been killing it with his multipart series on Dominionism. Look man, not everyone is down for the battle for secular society...but don't deny it. Also at LH is the much touted and new video from Greta called Why Are you Atheists So Angry.

Lastly, who says that there are no Black Atheists, not the New York times. It really makes me wonder...where are the Filipino atheists....ya know, except me of course.

Awesome sauce.

Minggu, 27 November 2011

Walking Downtown

Yesterday at the #cutegirlrestaurant I volunteered to "ask" a bum to leave the front of the restaurant. The very nice girls at the restaurant attempted to do it first and were very nice to him "sir, these chairs are for customers only, if you would like to order something we would be glad to help you." Scummy dirt face grabbed a menu and went outside...to continue talking to himself and deff not reading the menu. I've never been altruistic to bums...I have always had a job (and i take my Prozac). "I work for my beer a cigarettes."

I took it upon myself to do something. "Hey, get the fuck outta here." He became angry at me and started yelling. "I'll tell you something..." I cut him off,"Shut the fuck up, I don't want to debate with you." It only made him angrier and he didn't leave. I went back inside.

"F" was already on the phone with the nonemergency police. All the customers stopped eating their breakfast and watched...and watched. I had made the situation worse, but because everyone is so nice here (unlike myself), they didn't trip. After about 15 minutes, scummy dirt face walked away, before the police arrived, and last I saw him he was walking down the street screaming heading downtown.


My self imposed sabbatical is both relaxing and nerve racking at the same time. I just can't work right now. If I could I would, right. Afterall that is what I've always done. It is really super weirdo to not have anything to do all day. It seems the only thing to do (when I'm not drinking) is watch the colors of the leaves change (even tho it's hella cold outside) and then fall to their decomposing winter-y death. If it seems like a time consuming endeavor, it is; but seemingly right now...I have nothing but time. Strange, strange times indeed.


I've been doing a lot of walking. I can walk from home all the way to Old Sacramento, watch the super-killer ice cold Lake Tahoe water as it journeys to the Bay Area. Funny thing, as soon as I get there, I leave. There are scattered dirty scum face bums there that also have nothing but time to kill. They are watching the water also. Some try and start a conversation and/or bum a smoke, but I just blow them off. Some look contemplative and some have dead eyes as they look at the dark water swirling and churning to the Bay, carriyng with it debris that sometimes looks like life. I used to love sitting by the river, watching water go under the bridge, but I can't stand it now. After mere moments I put my backpack on and walk some more.

A holiday shopper with child walks by and the kid says "look at those homeless people mommy." "Be quiet (insert name of child here), "but the kid is not quiet and keeps pointing in our direction. I know he's not talking about me...my face is clean.


All the leads are turning to NOT. Now I'm hitting up friends of friends. If it comes down to it, I'll send an SOS out on Twitter. I would totally rely on strangers right now for help, totally (I'm not there yet, tho). One peep I FB'd wanted to help, but couldn't, then mentioned that I had been a jerk to her several times in the past, but she forgives me. I didn't write her back.


"Dude.""Hey, was' up "S".

"Heading down to the protest. Wanna come."

"I got nothing going on."

We get into his jalopy and I meet his peeps. He is fresh faced and passionate and talks about his involvement with the #OWS movement. The others in the car are equally passionate and soon everyone is talking at the same time, except for me.

I was a teenage puckrocker and even when I started dressing like a New Waver, then hippie, then raver...etc...I still held punk rock sensibilities in my heart. The difference between then and now is that the 80's was a "me generation." It was not until circumstances this year where I have been forced to get a valid I.D.. If I didn't have to do that, then I'd be totally off the grid still: no bank account, no bills in my name, nothing in my name, no phone, no attachments, no nothing.

All this talk of 99% bores me. We used to rage about this shit in the 80's and nothing has changed. In fact, it seems that it has only gotten worse and worse. I'm at least 20 years older than everyone in the car. I want to get out, but that would mean more walking and these shoes I got for free are uncomfortable. These kids are kinda stinky, not bum stinky but 20 something stinky, like, I slept in these clothes last night in my parents house and I chose to not take a shower today stinky. We pull up to the park and they scan for the police and their peeps. We get a really good parking space and get out.

"Thanks for the ride."

"We're all in it together, bro."


There are all kinds of people here: old, young, rich, poor. There are also many dirty stinky faced bums, drinking outta bags and rerolling cigarette buts they have collected on their journeys. Dam, I wanna fucking beer and cigarette. I guess I'm no better than anyone else. I walk thru the crowd(s).

They are doing that microphone thing where one person says something, and then everyone else repeats it. I want to get up there and say, "Kriss needs a beer and a cigarette (KRISS NEEDS A  BEER AND A CIGARETTE.), but even I wouldn't do something like that...sober. There are drummers, people holding signs and a media presence. I over hear many things, "I've worked hard all my life...I couldn't keep up with those payments...this isn't fair....what am I going to do..." A mother holds her child (looks like 3y/o to me) as she talks to a reporter, "What is my baby going to do? What kind of future will she have." The reporter furiously scribbles notes on a pad.

I really wanted a cigarette so I just asked the first person I saw smoking. "Hey dude, can I get one of those." It was stinky bum face from the restaurant earlier. He didn't recognize me and very casually gave me a smoke. I could see that he only had one left for himself. I probably would not give my second to last cigarette to a stranger, or even a friend-I'm an asshole like that.

"Thanks, bro."

It was delicious but I only smoked half of it. I put it out with my fingers and wiped my face. "S" emerged from the crowd. He was strong looking and still as fresh faced and youthful as he was in the car. As he passed me on the way to his destination, "Kriss, you have ash or something on your face."

Now my face is dirty also. Fuck.

Sabtu, 26 November 2011

Audio Pareidolia....Right(?).

 Hello...yes this is Kriss....mmmm, OK then. Thanks.

Kind gentle and very goodlooking readers, that was Judas Priest...they said that this is a case of audio pareidolia. Yes, Team Skeptic, pareidolia can come in the audio variety fo sho. In the 80's super heavy, and not yet gay, Judas Priest had to go to court because Christian wingnuts believed that the band put subliminal messages in their music that drove, unfortunately, a young man to commit suicide. The band was not convicted.
 Usually here we talk about the pareidolia that is the Jesus in a piece of toast, the Virgin Mary...in a piece of toast and even, Britney Spears, yes folks, in a piece of toast. that is visual pareidolia. The audio pareidolia is the lesser know of the two, and back in the day-even before we had the sayin' "back in the day"-it was called backmasking. Any who...

Parents are in an uproar...an UPROAR I tell ya, over these cute, and yet creepy, looking babies. What you do is slap one of the babies and then it says a bunch of stuff. Eventually one of the babies will say "shut up bitch", err, or that is what is (sorta) sounds like. The company says it's just gibberish, the parents do not and I say "sure it does sound like that, but it must be a mistake, or what Team Skeptic calls, pareidolia."

"I'm ready to be crucified, mommy."
* Cursing baby article, SF Gate.

* More Video

The Immaculate Belt of Conception

 Wow a five kilometer line of fat, drunk Christian Russians (no offense to any of my fat, drunk Christian Russian friends out there), numbering around 400,000 are braving that bearish winter to....touch Marry's belt.

It's true Team Atheist, I can't make this shit up. A super old relic, on loan from those equally fat and drunk Greek Orthodox'ers, is on display for the first time in the winter vodka-bearville called Comrade Russia. Why...

"The Belt of the Virgin Mary is believed to help women’s fertility and cure illnesses. It toured ten other Russian cities before arriving in the capital."
“There is something I need to ask. Nobody in this line is here just for fun,” said 40-year-old Ivan, who was waiting at the front of the line for his wife and child."
“I joined the line at midnight, so it’s been about 12 hours,” he said. The wait could be up to 26 hours, news agencies said.
“I am 74, and I have suffered a heart attack. I am handicapped in my arm and leg,” said another man, identifying himself as Vladimir, after exiting the imposing white cathedral and leaning on his wife’s supporting arm."
“Maybe it will help?” he said, tears welling up in his eyes (National Post)."
OK, let's see. The fakey fake Shroud of Turin has been on tour (to raise money of course) and last year the (alleged) Jesus' foreskin was on tour in Europe somewhere (remember that, I try not to). And now we have the Immaculate Belt on tour, the belt that will cure ills or save the dwindling Russian population (read the article) by allowing not-fertile women to be fertile. 
In the meantime, people, real people that need help are clinging to ghosts and superstition.
Oh please. Wait. Oh, that was Lourdes calling...they said hey Russia, you are fakey fake.

Jumat, 25 November 2011

...but then again, this is why we do this.

 ...but then again, it's not only about me, it's about the world. Remember last year when American evangelical Christians went all American evangelical Christian in Africa and influenced a proposed law that would allow for the death penalty for the crime (or is it sin) of being the gay. I remember. Thank (nonexistent) God that it did not pass; but there is still hella gay haters in Africa, this time, specifically in Cameroon.

It is alleged that the two men, that look like women, were having that oral sex of the gay variety in a parked car. The men deny it, but that doesn't matter, they were sentenced to five years in prison. Their lawyer said that they were jailed because they look like women. Gays in Africa are often abused because it is a society "which punishes these three men solely on the basis of their perceived sexual orientation." Amnesty International urged the government/courts release the men.

Morocco, Nigeria and Uganda have also been influence by the American evangelicals and each has some kinda legislation that inhibits the freedoms of LGBT in Africa. Last year that gay journalist was kidnapped and killed because he was openly the gay. In South Africa the constitution guarantees equal rights, but LGBT there fear beatings, kidnapping and death regardless.

This is why extremist religion needs to be stopped. Look at Egypt right now, they have fear that in the upcoming elections the Muslim Brotherhood (and that Sharia law peeps keep talking about) will dominate and secularism will go wayside. Not to be outdone, American evangelical Christianity is spreading in third world countries and influencing their leaders at a time where the population lacks education and basic resources. Of course what comes with that is bad 'ol fashioned Christian prejudice called, homophobia.

"Many fundamentalist Christians and traditional African leaders oppose homosexuality as "un-African." But Cameroon is emerging as among of the most punitive regimes, having jailed men in the past for homosexuality. The most recent case was in March, when a gay man was jailed for three years, while six other arrested men are in custody awaiting trial (LA Times)."

Mayan Doomsday PtII

I Googled "Mayan 2012" and this came up.
 It's early, let's see if I can get this one. I'm sure that I have posted on the destruction of the world that will happen in 2012, ya know, the Mayan Calendar thingy...but I can't find any. Oh well, that was so last year doomsday fear, there's a new one in town now and it's called...the Mayan Calendar Doomsday. Go figure.
 Archaeologists have discovered a second prophetic brick that dates back some 1,300 years which vaguely describes what is being interpreted as the end of the world ("He will come from the sky."). Named the Comalcalco Brick it is inscribed with what some believe to be a reference to 2012 (some people). The first doomsday brick, the Tortuguero Brick, has a description of the Mayan god Bolon Yokte-the god of war and creation. So was' up, it's gonna happen right. Right.
 "The Institute of Anthropology and History has long said rumors of the world ending or world changing event in late December 2012 are a Westernized misinterpretation of Mayan calendars (SF Gate)." Yes, leave it up to extremist American Christians to ruin something that was probably cool. The word from brown folk that I have consulted is that the Mayans believe that the world will change, not end, in 2012. What they believe is that there will be a "spiritual' change that happens. I guess it would be like moving astrological constellations, like moving from Sagittarius to Aquarius. Right?
But that will not stop the Left Behind crowd from promoting their fear based membership drive. Repent, repent, before it's too late. Afterall, you don't want to be left behind...do you. On Thursday the IoAaH again stated "western messianic thought has twisted the cosmovision of ancient civilization like the Maya." And I will ad..."Again (that's my two cents)."

My super good Internet homie and fellow atheist blogger, @troythulu, mentioned the other day all the doomsday's that we have survived so far in our lifetimes. Hell, just this year we survived two of them, right (Thanks Harold Camping). My guess is that we will survive this one also. the law of large numbers will not catch up on us, this time.

What I don't understand about the whole this is....why don't they just start the calendar over when the cycle ends, like the Gregorian calendar. Go figure.

Bolon...it's all your fault. Asshole.

* SF Gate Article

Kamis, 24 November 2011

Sorry That I Alarmed Everyone, But...

Rocktober, you know what that means. Err, neither do I.
 First of all, thanks for all the support-n-stuff both from my super awesome atheist blogosphere friends (that are not in range of my rock hard powerful fists) and my real friends (that are in range, and they/you are still there-that is friendship, I tell ya).
Everyone loves Taco-Baby. Spicy.
 Don't worry, I will not do that anything that you guys tweeted, FB'd, and commented here about. If anything, I'll drink a lot of beer and "go to sleep." So please don't worry about that. I promise. I totally promise that I will not do that.
Is this a stereotype or cute...or both.
 What I try and do in all my posts is write off the top of my head. I don't take notes, if I do make an outline, then it is very vague. If you look at the lack of facts, exact numbers and just description in general, then you can see my lack of preparation. Same goes for when I roll with the personal posts. It is a snapshot of my "right now." I'm honest. I let it all hang out. I don't care if it makes me look bad.

 Look at the party years that I have chronicled. I was unashamed of my drug abuse and totally honest about it. I never glorified it, I just told it like it is: the highs of raving at 4am with a bunch of pretty pretty girls, and the lows of puking at work the next day, smelly and stinky...but always totally honest.

The same goes for my depression. It is not pretty. It is fucking brutal. For the most part the past five to six months...it has been winning (I can't even remember the last time I was happy.). But that doesn't mean I'm going to quit, it means that I have to keep on keeping on. Like that great reggae song from the 80's "Life is a big struggle...but never give in."
 A good friend gave me some advice yesterday. S/He basically said that I have been hitting it so hard on this blog and so long that of course "you are all down." Of course if I read seven newspapers and several magazines everyday, I will be down. Last year @mojoey at Deep Thoughts said something like the clergy abuse that he chronicles on his blog is such a downer that he is going to post more positive things to make himself feel better. I think it's a good idea, therefore cute, delicious baby pictures in costumes.
Who hates broccoli?
 I need to lighten up. I think I'll write more science-y skeptic 101 posts instead of the "bla bla bla, religion this, religion that" posts. Science and technology is just as important as religion and as we head into this new year and election cycle. Most Americans are illiterate when it comes to science. Our presidential candidates don't know squat about science (many believe that creationism should be taught in the science classroom) and these are the people in power. How will we solve this economy. How will we combat the brain drain. How how how....
Well, actually, I don't know that shit. I really just wanted to say thank you for your concern and I'm not quitting on life. Yea, I'm going thru some shit right now...that's life. That's my life. OK. Part of me wishes that I could punch depression in the face with my rock hard angry fists to make myself better. But I know that I can't do that. I've always said that I'm more than a pretty face, with a rock hard body, and super long silky black Asian hair. I have always said that I wanna be recognized as more than a piece of hunk meat that lasts for hours and hours. I want to be known for my brain...and this is the opportunity to do that.


* I've pretty much quit on the music. I don't even listen to music right now...but I'll never quit the writing. Never.

Rabu, 23 November 2011


I'm trying. I'm fucking trying.

Wish Me Luck And Fuck You Winter Darkness

This is the worst year of my adult life. To say that I'm confused is the definition of understatement. It has been months since I have been happy and my fear (one of many) is that I will never be happy again. My suck arse depression has defeated me. I have nothing left: no more fight, no more will. The sight of a pretty girl does nothing for me. The sound of music does nothing for me. Nothing does anything for me.

My only emotions are negative, anger, hate, confusion and I don't know why. I can go down the list, I have a good diet, I exercise, my family of friends love me, my brother and sister love me, and rationally everything is OK-and yet, that cloud hovers over my head and I can't get rid of it.

Nothing makes sense and fo sho, I do not make sense. Why am I doing this (if I knew, then I would solve it and make it right, right?). The metaphorical rope that one hangs onto, seemingly, is gone. There has not been any rope for months and months. I recall the beginning of summer and my good friend and I went to a sick arse three day hippie concert. The sun was out, the ladies were pretty (and 1,000's upon 1,000's of them), that weekend had all the makings of everything that I like, everything that I love, but...If I could have walked home, I would have. What is it that makes someone like me, a musician, a music lover, always down for the party, a people person, an artist, hate, and I mean absolutely hate, everything that one has grown to love....brain chemistry.

I don't know what to do. I have crazy ideas and I know that they are crazy, but it looks like I'm heading that way. I want to be happy. I do not want to have crazy violent thoughts and I do not want to hurt anyone, including myself. A couple of months ago, before I had Prozac, I prayed. I prayed to God.

I asked, "please, please God, stop my suffering. I have not done anything wrong. I have never hurt anyone. I have always been honest. I have always helped people. Why is this happening to me." Team Atheist, as we all know, prayer doesn't work. Fo sho the serotonin levels in my depressed brain are much better (I no longer have excessive worry) but it is still there-the cloud, the hate, the aggressiveness (and I want it to go away so badly. I can't be anymore honest than that.).

My shit project, Nu Kriss summer/winter 2011, is a total failure. I did emerge from the metaphorical ashes (the Phoenix arises from the ashes), but I do not like what I see. I'm an asshole. I'm aggressive. I fear that I will hurt someone, including myself. What fuckin' happened. I'm supposed to be a hippie. A fuckin' hippie.

I'm thinking a new start is in order, but when I go thru the details...it doesn't make sense. Nothing makes sense right now (and that doesn't mean I won't do it). Like I said, I'm confused right now and I have been confused for a while now. I don't know what to do.

What will I do. Fo sho, I will not pray again. Really, what kinda suffering does an atheist like me have to go thru to fuckin' pray (a lot). I won't do that again. I'm gonna face this. I'm gonna get right. It's just in the mean time...I'm worried about my anger...I'm worried that I will turn into my dad and will show my power in a way that I should not. I have always believed that my skills should be used for good, or at the very least NOT for bad. But I'm outta control. Outta control.

What is it I'm trying to say right now. Fuck...I don't even know. I'm just trying to be honest. I might not like what I have become in the past 5-6 months, but I do know it is wrong to hurt people (including myself). I know that I need to get help and I do know in my heart of hearts, that the probability that there is a God, that anything supernatural exists, is verrrrrryyyyyyyy low. What am I trying to say....

Wish me luck.

Selasa, 22 November 2011

Roundup Time

The man, AC "The Hair" Grayling.
Hello atheist blogosphere, it's me Kriss...I'm still here. Any who...

If you have never checked out any of the Intelligence Squared debates and consider yo'sef a member of Team Atheist, then you have not lived. The most recent debate is "Would the world be a better place without religion." Really good line up on both sides. Rabbi Wolpe is an eloquent defender of his Judaism and like him or not, Dinesh D'Souza will tell you "What's So Great About Christianity." On our team we have AC "The Hair" Grayling and he probably hates being introduced like this the great grandson of Charles Darwin, Matthew Chapman. I will not spoil it fer ya, I'll just say that there are winners and losers in this one.

The newest meme in town comes from Sac Towns hippie neighbor, Davis and it's called "The Casually Pepper Spraying Cop." It's not as cool as The Kitten Covers, but nothing is as cool as that. 

This has got to be the oldest trick in that book that people keep talking about...the good 'ol stuff drugs in a hollowed out bible-yes, that trick. Not only does the bible contain the word of God, but also razors, coke, and "E." The article does not say which of the million gazillion interpretations of the bible was used.

Breaking news...Presidential candidate Mitt "Please don't win" Romney tried a cigarette and beer as a "wayward" teenager. In other news, I've used all the drugs ever invented...and liked it (and that is why I'd be a bad Mormon).

Jose Pimentel has been accused of the crazy. What did he do...he tried to make pipe bombs, but he was too stupid to use the drill bits, he tried to circumcise himself, and he smokes the weeds. He faces up to 25 years to life. I guess not too many capable people are signing up to be terrorists nowadays.

Former Denver Broncos Q-Back, Jake Plummer said of new Broncos quarterback, Tim "I wear Jesus on my sleeve" Tebow, needs to tone it down with the annoying Jesus talk. After Timmy does anything good on the field of play, he will point to the sky to thank Jesus, or say Jesus this or Jesus that. Plummer said, "...I wish he'd just shut up after a game and go hug his teammates." 

And lastly, acupuncture has been declared safe for children. To Team Skeptic this is old news, because we know acupuncture, accupressure, reikie, healing hands and complimentary alternative medicine in general is fakey fake and it doesn't do anything any who.

Have a nice day, peeps.

* The pepper spraying cop on Tumblr. Lot's 'o funny funniness here.

* "It's back folks. Unfortunately there is a score to keep. I'm fuckin' fallin' apart. Wish me luck.