Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011

Dangers New Name...Rick Perry

Yea, let's vote for this guy.
Well, that was an interesting blog break. Any who, I've never thought that I would say something like this but, Texas Gov and presidential candidate, Rick Perry, makes G.W. Bush look like an intellectual; not really, but pretty close. Perry has made headlines this week and that it not a good thang.

First dude said that he does not believe in global warming, then he said that evolution has "gaps" in it and then, one more 'then', then he said that in Texas they teach creationism and evolution in schools and it is up to you to decide. OooooKkkaaay. I decide to believe scientific evidence over the bronze age thinking and believing of, da da daaa...the bible.

First of all they do not teach creationism in Texas schools, well at least not part of the official curriculum. It is my understanding that teachers in Texas, if they so choose, can talk about intelligent design (which is and is not creationism) but only evolution is part of the official curriculum. Second, evolution does have gaps in what.

Evolution does have "gaps" in it but it is still the best explanation of how life evolved here on erffs. If the other "theory" is genesis, then the theory of evolution whomps all over it because the "theory" of genesis is a hole, in it's entirety. It's not even a theory. It's folklore. A scientific theory is tested and peer reviewed. Genesis cannot stand up to that scrutiny.

What scares me about Perry's statements is that there are voters out there that do not know that. There are voters out there that will not, or cannot, think critically. When peeps hear that the theory of evolution has gaps in it, I fear that they will instantly poo poo it and dismiss it (but they will not turn the critical eye on genesis).

 Perry recently said, "God is how we got here." If that is not a dangerous statement, then I do not know what is.

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