Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

Who Would Jesus Nuke

Wow, this is so epic...in a bad way. I never thought that last years Jesus Rifle scopes could be outdone, but that is my fault for thinking the Prince of Peace's (that's Jesus) followers could not sink lower and show more stupidity.

"The Air Force has suspended a training course for nuclear missile launch officers that used Bible passages and religious imagery to teach them about the ethics of war.
The course had apparently been taught by chaplains at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California for more than 20 years, but officials pulled the plug after an article from the liberal Web site Truthout.org appeared online last week (link)."

David Smith, spokesperson for the Air force (pretty much) said that it takes a special kinda peep to go in there and launch a nuke (to justify the power point presentation). Abraham, John the Baptist and St. Augustine were all referenced in the presentation, and ya know what...it is a great idea.

If you are trying to teach people how to kill and torture people that do not believe what you believe, then of course you should use the bible, religion, faith, the fear of God to instill that lesson. Nobody does destruction better than God and his son (I do not come in peace, I come with a sword). It takes big brass to be part of the operation, to push the button, to be part of that, and nothing is more encouraging than religion (just ask a suicide bomber...oh we can't). Dam what is that great saying that we have for Team Atheist...People can do bad things, but it takes religion to encourage people to do really fucked up shit to other people (you know the saying, right?).

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation was all over this one and provided Truthout with the "documents that appeared to be using a religious justification for missile launches (article)." The MRFF are THE atheists in foxholes and they are the watchpeople in the military that ensures tax dollars are not all violating the church state separation thingy. 

Great job Mikey...make sure they don't nuke the world...and thanks.

* Article

* another article

* The actual presentation

1 komentar:

  1. hey, there is a broken link in this article, under the anchor text - * The actual presentation
    Here is the working link so you can replace it - https://selectra.co.uk/sites/selectra.co.uk/files/pdf/nuclear_ethics.pdf
