Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

Glenn Beck, Israel and Armageddon

This holy-est of unions is, well...evil. Unfortunately Glenn Beck is back in the news (that was a very pleasant break, if not too short) because dude is in da da daaa, Israel. So what the heck is a Mormon doing in Israel. Christian Zionism of course.

Basically Christian Zionism is the belief that the formation of an Israeli state is in accordance with biblical prophecy that states when Jewish peeps return to the homeland (Israel) and then all hell breaks loose in the form of world war (and the destruction of the Jewish peeps), then American Christianism can finally start dinner because guess who's coming...Bejebuzz, err, Jesus.

That is correct folks. In order for the man who has been 2,000 years late for dinner (that book says he would return in the writer's lifetime) is a gonna make his second appearance. After that his dad will destroy the world and the lucky Christians that happened to practice the correct Christianity, out of hella Christianities, will literally rise into the air to live in cloudville.
When Armageddon happens we will all wear shorts like this.
It's quite pathetic that the Israeli government's only friend is Glenn Beck and the other American evangelical weirdos. The rest of the world hates them. Their friends, the evangelical American Christians, provide them with a lot of tourism money and even campaign contributions. There are some Israeli peeps that are, like, "no way," while there are some (to my surprise) that say things like "well, we do have a lot in common." Beck has been accused of bigotry and antisemitism by the Anti-Defamation League not once, but twice. So WTF.

Personally I wouldn't want to chill with someone that is only friending me at the moment so they can chill in a place called heaven, without me, and after dudes dad destroys the world. Sarah "The Barracuda" Palin and Michele "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann also believe in this type of end of times scenario. So don't be surprised when on the campaign trail they totally support Israel and perhaps, make a Glenn Beck type trip there.

* Good LA Times article.

* Yes Mormons consider themselves Christians.

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