Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

The Historical Adam and Eve on NPR

"Hey was' up baby. Is that the, err, spring/summer fig leaf collection.

 Ya know, kind gentle and very goodlooking readers...we are smarter than other people (believers). So I get really happy when the rest of the world catches up to us. This morning on NPR there was an article about the historical Adam and Eve. I'm not shitting you. As everyone on Team Atheist knows the bible is not a historical document. The stories like Exodus are just that, stories. Years ago when I was taking a biology class we figured that it would be impossible for all the genetic diversity in the world to come from just two peeps (there just isn't enuff time).

In Genesis 2:7 The Lord (if that is your real name) made Adam and then Eve (and by being second all her ancestors are doomed to second class status) and from those two crazy kids in that sic arse garden comes: original sin, all of humanity, the reason why JC had to be crucified, the explanation of evil and suffering etc etc etc...Or not.

Dennis Venema, biologist believer guy, "That would be against all the genomic evidence that we've assembled over the last 20 years. He said that, if we work backwards, there is not enuff time to account for the genomic diversity. Mutation rates just don't happen fast enuff. If you go from Adam and Eve to the present two peeps cannot produce the genetic/genomic variation that is present today and visa versa.

What Venema and other conservative Christian scholars want is for their religion to evolve. He, and others, does not want a literal reading of the bible (nor do I). He wants people to approach it not with history in mind, but poetry, prose and storytelling and metaphor and allegory. I can actually go for those things.

Still, there are the really stubborn ones that do not want to change or accept the evidence in front of them (cognitive dissonance much). If Adam and Eve are not historical characters, then why was Jesus crucified. He needed to be crucified to absolve us of our sins.

Little by little society is catching up to the New Atheists/Team Atheist. The Great Flood never happened, the dying rising God is a myth borrowed from cultures predating Christianity and, now the historicy of Adam and Eve is being questioned....and that is what is called progress.



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