Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Monday Link Dump

Kinda looks like an average day in Sac Town.
My reading and writing prowess is back (for the most part). For a while there I was not capable of doing either and for someone that considers himself a writer...that is devastating. Any who, 'it's' back, soz howz about a news round up.

This is a really good article called Should Believers Fear Hell and God?  It discusses Rob Bell's book about hell and has good atheist info like nowhere in OT is there a mention of hell and the thingy that I like a lot, it goes over misinterpreted and mistranslated words from Greek to English. The comments are really stupid tho. It seems like the believers that made comments didn't even read the article.
No reason...I just love beer.
@vjack at Atheist Revolution just read a book called An Atheist Manifesto. It just might be the kinda book that turns me into a full fledged angry atheist. I've been sitting on the fence for a couple of months right now and I'm trying to not make any drastic life changing decisions, so we will see.

How come no one told me about Internet Archive. If it was on the interbutz at one time, then it is here. And ya know I smiled (which has been very difficult the past couple of months) when the editors choice in music was...The Grateful Dead (dam, I miss ya Jerry).

This is a really bad and horrible story. 8 people are shot in Ohio. What is goin' on in the world? Recently we have the Norway killer, a police officer was gunned down in San Diego and then this. I have always been OK with guns and even been a defender of. This morning I had the thought (for the first time) that maybe we should ban guns. I have a firearm, but it is not in my possession right now because I'm afraid of myself. Still, I'm not making any drastic changes in my life, but my stance on firearms is on the chopping block.

"K" at Great Imaginations did a review of the classic 1984 (the book, not the Van Halen album). I haven't read it since high school 25 years ago and, as I recall, it was a little much for me. I'm sure that if I read it now I would get so much more outta it (but first I have to finish reading my 700 page boring book on the history of scientists. They sure don't party, just experiment).

Andy at Laughing in Purgatory has the most accurate graph on the relation between Thinking and Praying that I have even seen. It is dedicated to Gov. Rick "The Response" Perry.

Lady Atheist also has a very accurate chart about how gay marriage destroys traditional slave like unhappy marriages (my words not hers), but unlike Andy's chart, it is accompanied by words...very powerful and correct words. deff check it out.

The New Yorker has an epic ten page article on Michele "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann. To my disbelief...she has a make up artist (who should be fired). You know it's a-gonna be a good article when it opens up by calling her a "Tea Party insurgent" which is an awesome blast.

The US Army has agreed to let those pesky atheists in foxholes have their (our) concert called Rock Beyond Belief. I know this because I read The Christian Century; critical thinking and living faithfully, yo.

And finally, my beautiful Philippines (I will always love you. That will never change) is going all Catholic-y again. This time Imelda "I bought 1,000's of shoes with the blood of the people" Marcos, along with those Filipino Catholic bishops I keep talking about have art show.

"Critics vandalized the installation last week by removing a wooden penis from a poster depicting Jesus Christ. Another sculpture shows a penis hanging from a wooden cross while another portrays Christ as Mickey Mouse (The Mighty Washington Times).

Sheez, uptight much. Have a great Monday all you kind, gentle and very goodlooking readers. Lates

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