Rabu, 31 Agustus 2011

That's Not Cool, More Atheist Haters

OooooKkkkaaaayyyyyy. Team Atheist, as you already know, we are hated-what else is new...well, I'll tell ya...we have also been framed. If you thought xenophobia was only for minorities and Islamophobs-n-shit, well think again.

Pastor Frank Moore, of Mcelroy Road Church of Christ, commissioned a Christian billboard with the very Christian-y message "There is no god. don't believe everything you hear." Uhh (yeah!)..thanks pastor...for doing some good atheist work. If you think it sounds like a billboard from Freedom From Religion Foundation or American Atheist that is because it does. Pastor Moore intentionally designed his believer-y billboard to mimic the awesome atheist billboards.

The thingy about it is that Christian peeps are getting mad (and can ya blame them). Moore intended the message to be something like "those stupid atheist billboards say things like this, don't believe them. Jesus is Lord (my words, not his). Well, apparently Moore's message is not understood (because it sounds like one of our billboards) and believers are hella mad.
In other news, but related to the hate of atheist here in American...Pastor Mike Stahl, head of Church of the Living water wants to make a national registry for, da da daaaa, atheist. Why you ask...

"Brothers and Sisters , I have been seriously considering forming a ( Christian ) grassroots type of organization to be named “The Christian National Registry of Atheists” or something similar . I mean, think about it. There are already National Registrys for convicted sex offenders, ex-convicts, terrorist cells, hate groups like the KKK, skinheads, radical Islamists, etc.."

Yeah, just think about it. So dude compares us to terrorist, the KKK and hate groups, why, because we do not believe in dudes specific Gawd. Sheez. If anything, we need to stop Baptist Predators. The hate of atheist is so stupid pants, and you can quote me on that one. There is not "good" or reason to inform the public that individuals do not have the same belief as others. WTF. Distrusting atheist is comparable to distrusting Japanese peeps in WWII or not trusting Islamic peeps right now. I'll say it again...WTF.

Well, I heart ya guys. Team Atheist forever.

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