Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011

Updated List Of Female Atheist Bloggers Aug 14th, 2011

I Googled 'female atheist bloggers' and this is the first pic to come up. WTF.

I just updated my Twitter list of female atheist bloggers and you should follow it. The atheist blogesphere is mighty and awesome, in fact it is a mighty awesome place. The thingy about it is...it is male dominated just like any other endeavor in the wide wide world. That is why you should follow my list, or create your own. Let's get right down to it.

OK, I forgot who EmptyIdentiy is, but you should check her out. Really good digital art. And of course, she is on Team Atheist. Awesome.

GodlessNurse is awesome and she is close to my age (what can I say, I'm single). Nursing is a tuff job:underpaid and under appreciated, and she is an atheist.

BlondNonbeliever is my favorite new grrl on the block and I'm jealous...She lives on the beach (Dammmmm grrl, can I come over). Also, I have recently achieved aprox 74,000 hits on my blog and she recently achieved 250,000. Me, no I'm not jealous (congrats buddy).

Apparently, Heather Henderson is made of awesome because she has two cool sites to go to. Heather Henderson is awesome and Dissident Radio.com ask's "Are you an ardent atheist?" Check it out, yo.

@religionbites is an awesome atheist mommy and on her site it says "You can be happy with out religion: peace, love, serenity and happiness." Religionbittes.org.

@DCdebbie is my prob-lib Tweep. She totally kills it on twitter everyday and it is so awesome. Tales of a 7th Street Geisha is her place. Awesomeness.

Currently, I am drinking my precious beer and I lost my notes (I do not want to look fer them) so I forgot what is the up with Momma Heathen...Just check her out (sorry buddy).

Hello, Dr. Leslie Cannold, it's me Kriss. Yes, I have this problem with my heart and the hearting can you help me with it. No. It doesn't hurt to ask.

OK, howz about one honorable mention. Fo sho I must have mentioned Dr. Kikki before, right....right. I just tweeted to her...."Gentlemen prefer blonds, but we remember redheads."

Sowz there it is tweeps and peeps, an updated list of female atheist bloggers, fer now. The thingy about it is that....the atheist blogesphere, just like any and all endeavors, is all male dominate-y. When we get a chance to promote the ladies, we should take it. There has been much ado, lately, about everyone's roles in the movement and stuffs like that and I agree...What about the ladies.?

We need to push sexism to the side and fergitabbutit. The ladies are on our team and that is Team Atheist. They are our sisters and our cousins, mothers and aunts. The rest of society is all oppress-y on them and dagnabit...I will not be like that.

We have this job. We have this battle for secular society and I am very serious about it. I believe that we are on the correct side o' history and all that shit and that we will and must emerge victorious, but....

We need our sisters fighting on our side to make that shit happen...for all of us.

Join me.

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