Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

The David Mabus Petition

David Mabus (if that is your real name) spotted at an atheist convention.
I do not sign online petitions...until this one. Christian terrorist in the making and all around pain in the arse, David Mabus (Dennis Markuze) has been giving super violent death threats to many, many peeps in the atheist bologsphere: Pharyngula and Debunking Christianity to name two. If I had a nickel for every article by Team Atheist about this guy, I'd probably have close to three dollars. It does hurt my feelings, tho, that I have never been his target (what am I small potatoes). Here is a sample of his work from PZ's blog...

i will execute you. the police wont save you

God told me to MURDER you...

pz and his entire family will burn in HELL...
police won't save that fucker from me...

you will be executed without mercy...

you have forfeit your lives...
and the police wont save you...

see, the entire university is going to be destroyed because of blaspheming PZ...
this will be sent to every member of the University...

police won't save that fucker from me...

did you know that blasphemy is punishable by DEATH and I am here to execute all of you?

We run maneuvers in the forest, for...Christ.

So a nice peep named Kyle VanderrBeek made this petition and we should all sign it. No one needs to go to their blog and see death treats. What is missing from his work above is all the bible passages and Youtube video links (that show how atheism is wrong and we are a-gonna die). Unfortunately, the local Montreal police cannot do anything about it (I don't really know why, tho) and that is why we should all sign this.
Hi, I'm the Norway killer.
There is a human element to all of this, also. Obviously this guy needs help. I have also read many article that (while still frustrated) said that he is in need of some good 'ol mental heath, err, stuffs. Any who...just sign it.

* Sign the petition

* Good back story stuffs.

* I goggled him and said something like death treats, Christian terrorist, or something and this came up. Really, there is so much info on this dude and it's all bad.

Update Wed, 10th. PZ wrote this. A while back PZ reprinted some of his hate mail from dude and it was pretty funny, as funny as death threats can be. But now, I really do fear that something bad will happen. It would be a shame if dude became the next Norway, or Arizona killer. It's kinda scary.

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