Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

Progress And The Hebrew Bible

Was it in Bill's Religulous that a believer says, "The bible was written in English, and that is good enuff for me (I think so.)." And that kind gentle and very good looking readers is the problem. We on Team Atheist know that the bible was written by humans, contains many interpolations and has been used to manipulate and control the peeps. If the general public knew how the bible was constructed, then biblical literalism-and the sexism, elitism and homophobia-would be diminished. That is why this effort from Hebrew University scholars is so coolio.

Biblical scholars at Hebrew University have been working for 53 years to work out all the mistakes in the Hebrew bible, or the Old Testament. They are using materials that predate the OT like the Dead Sea Scrolls, Greek translations a 1525 Venice bible etc etc etc. Little thingies like the Book of Jeremiah is 1/7 longer and words like "to you" is now "to us" (which is not a big dealeo when God is making a statement. not) are some of the changes. In the 5 decades that this team has been working on it, unfortunately, only 3 of the 24 books have been corrected.

This is progress. Earlier I wrote about how even conservative Christian scholars are now admitting that Adam and Eve are not historical characters. Team Atheist has known for some time that events like the Great Flood never happened, Genesis is not the origin of anything and for some (not me) that Jesus is not historical either. That is why I applaud this effort (even tho they said it will take 200 years from now to complete the job. le sigh). It is my hope that this kind of work, and work similar to it, becomes mainstream, that the average lay believer will educate themselves and join the year 2011.

As time passes the knowledge that the bible is manmade is becoming more and more mainstream. I just hope I live to see the day when literal interpretations of the bible will be put on the bookshelf right next to folklore and mythology...where it belongs.

Scholars in this out-of-the-way corner of the Hebrew University campus have been quietly at work for 53 years on one of the most ambitious projects attempted in biblical studies - publishing the authoritative edition of the Old Testament, also known as the Hebrew Bible, and tracking every single evolution of the text over centuries and millennia (Sac Bee).

* I was a-gonna write a post called "Love doesn't Live Here Anymore" but I'm going to do that thing that I always say I'm going to do but never do it. I'm going to save apiece of myself, for myself. Perhaps later when I feel better. 

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