Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

The Ultimate Cockblock

Only a nerdy goober gets excited about a book and only a member of Team Atheist gets excited about a book about the sex lives of insects. I have not had this much excitement since I read Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice For All Creation (which I'm sure I reviewed, but I can't find it. le sigh).  This new book from Marlene Zuk is everything you wanted to know about the sex lives of insects, but ya  didn't ask because ya really didn't want to know. Any Who...

I haven't read it, yet, but I did listen to the interview on NPR. What is it about the sex lives of nonhumans that intrigues us. I remember when Sex Advice came out and all the water cooler talk was about those bottle nose dolphins and what sexual freeks they are. Sex On Six Legs looks like it will give us much to talk about in the days, weeks, months to come. Like...

Damsel flys do the ultimate cockblock. I thought the average bro dude downtown at the Friday Summer Concert Series was pretty petty and testosterone-y, but the Damsel fly puts the human counterpart to shame. Fly bro literally scoops out the sperm of the previous fly bro from his pretty lady. This is called sperm competition. Dude scoops out your sperm and replaces it with his own, thus ensuring that your genes go on to the next generation.

Some species of male insect give a protein pack to their lovely ladies to munch on. I see spermatophylax (the protein pack) is similar to me hanging a piece of chocolate from my neck when I go to a party-to attract the downtown fashionista species of Sacramento ladies. While the pretty lady insect is munching on the protein pack, the bro insect is, err...ya know.

If I said it a million times, I've said it....anyways. I'm a-gonna save up for this book. If it is anything like Sex Advice, then it will be well worth it.


* NPR article Sex on six legs.

* Dr Tatiana (helllloooo) Sex Advice. Check it out, ya know you want to.

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