Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011

Dominionism And The GOP

Wow, just read an epic article at Religion Dispatches about Lisa Miller's op-ed article criticizing "left" leaning journalists and how they are unfair to criticize GOP candidates that are openly and overly evangelical Christians. Miller's claim is that the "left" is unfairly demonizing GOP candidates because they are all Christian-y. Gasp! A complain like that is equivalent to a rapist complaining that the person dude raped is speaking up. One of the beauties of The New Atheists is that the era of Christian privilege and the "no no" of questioning and scrutinizing religion is over. Apparently Miller did not get that memo.

By all means the GOP candidates, and any candidate for that matter, should be questioned about their beliefs; esp. the likes of Perry and Bachmann and Palin. They all subscribe to American Exceptionalism and, my newly learned term, dominionism

American exceptionalism is the (incorrect) belief that America is naturally better than the rest of the world because, get ready for this...Gawd said so. Dominionism is...

 " the context of politics and religion, is the tendency among some politically active conservative Christians to seek influence or control over secular civil government through political action, especially in the United States. It is also known as subjectionism.[1] The goal is either a nation governed by Christians, or a nation governed by a conservative Christian understanding of biblical law. The use and application of this terminology is a matter of controversy (wiki)."

It is like Christian sharia law. It is elitist in nature and exclusive. It is our way and beliefs, or the highway to heck. This kinda philosophy is unforgiving and you cannot be patriotic unless you subscribe to that thinking. The Seven Mountains theology, dominionism, is what we are up against. "They" have entire universities, radio and TV stations and they are specifically training their Christian warriors to be capable of dominating and taking over. Business, media, the arts and entertainment are all within the plan to take over. Their intent is to defeat the "enemies of faith" which is everything from secularism to the Obama administration (or anything that is not them).

While it is true that the average peep does not know what dominionism or American exceptionalism is that does not mean that the leaders do not. Increasingly the GOP (Gawds party) is using vocabulary that is directly or indirectly conditioning the American public to their beliefs. Often times we hear the reference to "the shining city on the hill." That is Mathew 5:14 that says, " You are the light of the world. A city that is set on the hill cannot be hidden." It is an early example of American exceptionalism and just like so many other bible is used to separate and divide. It is used for "us v. them" and the propagation of "we are better than you".

You can't rob a bank and complain that you only got so much money. You can't punch someone in the face and complain that dudes tooth cut your hand. You can't claim discrimination because one job out of ten went to a woman or a minority. And you cannot claim that "left" leaning journalist are incorrectly doing their jobs because they are reporting on the beliefs and philosophies of presidential candidate...just because you don't agree with them. Unless you are Miller.


* Super good article from Religion Dispatches.

* The Lisa Miller article on Washington Post On Faith where she complains about the "left" leaning journalism and how they are unfair to Christian GOP candidates.

* Dominionism wiki.

* A Christian Plot For Domination? The Daily Beast.

* American Exceptionalism wiki.

* The Dominion Process. Very good explanation of what it is and just might be a post unto itself. Maybe.

* City upon a hill wiki.

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