Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

The Profits of the Prophets

Fear not heathens, just because Harold Campings prediction of the end of times did not come true doesn't mean that many people are still pilfering  from the fear that the Great Surveillance Camera in the Sky will send his son to pick up a very small portion of the population...and then kill everyone else. For example... is a go to sight for everything rapture. Totally an amazing amount of articles. Check it out.

There is a book called "Profit Guide to the End of Times." Or howz about a radio show, esp. since Camaping no longer has his, "The Watchman Radio Hour." Speaking of books there is the old standard Tim LaHaye and his 16 judgement day books and the best seller "Left Behind" which has sold a whopping 63 million. If that is not your boat then how about some end of times erotica. Really. "Apocalypse Sex: Love at the End of the World" where the characters stare down the end by...having great sex.
OM(nonexistent)Gawd what about my data. Data storage company You've Been Left Behind takes care of that stuff and even alerts your family, that is unless they were chosen. If you are not sure then you can consult Rapture Ready Consulting.

And let's not forget the best idea ever ever. From a fellow Team Atheist member there is Eternal Earth Bound Pets. But remember this...there are no refunds.

So awesome buddies.

* Article SF Chron

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