Senin, 22 Agustus 2011

Sitting On The Fence

Well my project called Nu Kriss Summer/Fall2011 is going crap-ola. The same goes for my project Nu Kriss: The Phoenix Arises From The Ashes...But I'm Still In The Ashes Part. This reinventing myself (to kill time as I wait for the meds to kick in) is a lot harder than I thought it would be. Let's what I have done so far.

I no longer follow sports. It has been months since I've watched any sports  or even read the sports section. The real test will be the upcoming football season. Forty Niner's, we had some good times baby...but the shit is over.

I'm not going to any more three day hippie camp out festivals. I can't explain how bad the last experience was and as of now (while waiting for the meds to kick in) I'm just not up to it. I could have worked at one this last weekend (lineup looked lame anyways) and one two weekends before (with a really great lineup), but I opted to be a homebody. There are two coming up that I can go to, but it doesn't look good. Super weirdo thing, I'm not even listening to music for pleasure right now and I'm certainly not playing any (thinking about giving my guitars and amps away). Music we have had a great history, but the shit is over baby.

With that is also the drugs. Oh my precious drugs. I'm really gonna miss that. Beautiful pills that let you feel relaxed and pain free (it sure is hard being a 42 y/o athlete) and perhaps I'm making this up but...I sure can drink more when I'm high on pills. Any who, that is Old Kriss. In fact it looks like me and Mary Jane are also a thing of the past. Peeps keep giving me weed, but it's too strong and it doesn't make me feel good. In fact it makes me feel bad. So c'ya later Mary, "E", mushrooms, mali, coke and anything else. Nu Kriss is sticking to the Prozac and delicious beer...and that is it.

1,000's of naked hotties and drugs...c'ya later.
OK, I'm babbling. There really is some atheism that I want to get down to concerning Nu Kriss. Change, letting go, redefining yourself whatever you want to call it, it doesn't come easy. Stuff like cutting my hair is still on the chopping block (and other stuffs) but the one I've been thinking about a lot is whether I should be a full fledged angry atheist or should I just stick to my Obama-esque, middle of the way, acomodationalist atheist stance.

Religion is a force of good and bad. I really do believe that if we had a truly secular society, then there would be world peace. And if religion is put on the shelf right next to folklore and mythology (which I do not think will happen in my lifetime), then the world will be better off. What is stopping me from becoming the Filipino Christopher Hitchens is the little old lady that goes to church on Sunday and is a good person. What has she ever done to me. There are many good religious people. So what the fuck. I'll tell y'all what the fuck.

When the super awesome Greta Christina came to our humble Sac Town a couple of months ago I asked her about this. Basically she said there has been too much harm done. And it's true. Just look at how women and the GLBT communities have been treated and it is easy to see the harm done. I guess it could be seen like, err, if you had a homie that was abusive to his g-friend or a danger to himself, then wouldn't you say something (I would). The same goes for religion. If I belonged to a group that was totally hating on some of my friends (like Christianity v GLBT), then I would try and do something. If I was Israeli I would speak up for Palestine.  If I was Catholic I would speak up for gay rights. I couldn't be a part of something that does so much harm.

Nu Kriss is a gonna draw the line in the sand very soon. I'm going Humpty Dumpty but I don't know if I'm falling on the side of angry atheist or acomodationalist. The difference as I see it is an angry atheist wants to end religion. It is all bad, and yes there are good people that are believers, but the whole overall thingy of it is bad bad bad. The acomodationalist can differentiate between a terrorist that is Muslim and a Muslim-no terror. There are Christians that are socially just like me except on Sunday they go to church and I watch football (shit I don't know what I'm a gonna do now). Then again there are pedio-priests and pastors and groups that propagate hate like Westboro Baptist Church.

What to do...what to do.

* The best of Hitchslap This vid really pumps me up and edges me to angry atheist. So frackin' good.

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