Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

A Step In The Wrong Direction

Yuck, I'm-a-gonna fuckin' barf. When it seems that we have taken one step forward, a step in the correct direction, a direction that is fair for everyone, the step we on Team Atheist call the secular public square...then Rick Perry happens. I had written earlier about how one, just one college is offering a degree in secularism and mentioned that there are a couple (two) of classes on atheism (when there are entire Christian TV and radio stations and colleges), and I thought that was progress. well, we have taken two huge steps back.

"Yeah, I think it would be extremely beneficial to our nation to hear some of our top leaders, especially if he gets elected as president, to take stands like this," Cole said, "and preach from the White House, ultimately from the White House (NPR)."

I think that quote sums up the whole thingy. We don't need someone preaching from the White House. We don't need someone that relies on prayer (when many studies have shown that prayer doesn't work). I think what believers are missing, just like in the 9/11 cross memorial thing is that, if you are going to rely on God to get us out of this, then isn't it Gods fault that we are in this.

For the 9/11 thing many are saying that two randomly fused beams in a building full of beams that meet at right angle, that was blown up is a sign that God has not left us, that there is hope (when hope occurs naturally anyways). Well, why did god blow up the building and kill all those people in the first place. Howz about we say that humans did it and humans will get us out of it.

Like I have said many times, I don't care if peeps believe...just keep it to yourself.


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